Friday, August 8, 2008

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If you are starting to learn to sing, but haven't found a teacher yet, you may find it hard to know which songs to try out on your own. People often start by picking something by their favourite singer, but all too often this means they are attempting a song that is way too hard for a beginner. For instance, stars like Mariah Carey or Leona Lewis are able to sing very high notes and complicated rhythms, so these may not be easy songs for beginners. That's why I have compiled a list of great songs for beginners.

In my twenty years of teaching singing, I have found the following songs to be of huge benefit to the student when starting to learn to sing. The songs have been selected because they display the following characteristics:

Memorable melody

Not too high

Good length of phrases

No awkward leaps or intervals

Straight forward rhythm

In English

Here's the list:

  1. Amazing Grace (traditional)
  2. Blue Moon (Richard Rodgers)
  3. Summertime (Gershwin)
  4. Autumn Leaves (Josef Kosma)
  5. Top of the World (The Carpenters)
  6. He's got the Whole world in His hands (spiritual)
  7. Oh when the Saints go marching in (trad)
  8. I don't know how to love him (from Jesus Christ Superstar)
  9. On my Own (from Les Miserables)
  10. My Bonnie lies over the Ocean (trad Scottish)
  11. Swing Low sweet Chariot (trad)
  12. You are my Sunshine (Jimmie Davis and Charles Mitchell)

As you can see, quite a few of these songs are traditional songs. Generally speaking, traditional songs can be a good choice as they tend to be simple without a big range. So, once you have mastered some of the above list, you can easily find more traditional songs to try out, by searching on the internet or going to a music library.

London-born Helen Astrid has a remarkable knowledge and talent for teaching people how to sing, from complete beginners with stage fright to professionals in the music industry. In her latest book, Singing Tips at your Finger Tips, she reveals cutting-edge techniques which will not only improve confidence, but will transform your voice. For more info and free tips and articles, visit her website at

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Books and advice on childbirth and childraising are thick on the ground. One whisper of impending pregnancy and the parents-to-be are bombarded with well-meaning words from friends, relatives, complete strangers and expert authors.

Now, its my turn to share three simple opportunities to welcome a baby into your family and shower it with love. Whether you are an experienced parent or new to the job, what I learnt with my three children will not only help your child to develop their abilities and senses, but will help the parent get to know their new baby and deepen the love they already have.

Sing to your baby at every opportunity

It doesn't matter whether you have a good singing voice or not, your baby will love it. Make up nonsense words or turn your activity into a song. This is especially good at changing, bathing and feeding times. Cheer baby up with a happy song and changing/bathing becomes much more enjoyable. Anxieties at being naked and freezing lessen as they learn this wonderful new game that is not only interesting, but gets them the undivided attention of the parent. Touch as you sing about gorgeous little toes and strong arms, silken hair and pudgy tummies. Babies are listening, feeling and learning. Who else in this world will ever pay you so much attention? In another few years, the baby certainly won't, so make the most of it while you can.

Sing a gentle song at feed times to help baby relax. Rock them as you feed and don't be scared to stand up and rock from side to side or slowly waltz around the room. This is relaxing for you both. Lullabies at night time help to send them off to sleep, and the babies will have their favourites so be prepared to learn a few and experiment with modulation and tempo. My eldest child preferred Silent Night. My younger two liked Rock-a-bye Baby sung very slow. This lullaby worked on my middle child until she was three!

Talk to your baby at every opportunity

Remember that baby is used to hearing your voice insitu. Chatting, reading, general conversation and questions invite the baby to respond, even if its only by smiling and making eye contact. Conversation also helps include the baby into the dynamics of family life. Teach your baby valuable skills right from the start simply by including them. This helps both parent and child. The child learns how to handle attention through growing confidence and esteem [established within the safety of the family]. The parent learns to understand how their child thinks and assimilates knowledge. In these early days, be aware of what you're teaching the child - strong values such as kindness and compassion, generosity and inclusion, and be sure to demonstrate them through actions as well.

Dance with your baby at every opportunity

Always my children's favourite part of the day. Turn the stereo on, crank up the volume and swing around the room! My children grew up with an appreciation of various types of music, especially jazz and swing because its fun to listen to when mum is also whirling you around the room. Not only is the parent getting some exercise, the baby is learning rhythm, harmony, coordination, and a sense of space. They are used to lots of movement so keep it up. I've watched young children, from the barely walking to seven or so years of age dance spontaneously to jazz music. Something in the mix is almost irresistible to their innate sense of rhythm and dance.

Nonsense dances to children's action songs like Knees Up Mother Brown will get the heart pumping and assist in coordination - the parents that is, and you'll have your babe giggling and chortling in no time! These type of songs are commonly available on CD, but if you're not sure ask at the local music shop or department store. Music for early childhood is big business!

I didn't pick these tips up from a book or hear them from a well-meaning friend, I discovered them with my first child. The first person ever who couldn't get enough of my singing and listened to every word that fell from my lips. Oh, those were the days! I carried the practise on and I now have three confident girls who love to sing and dance and talk my ear off. They are happy, well-rounded and know that if a great song comes on the radio I am happy to stop everything and sing or dance with them. None of us will ever be professional, but we sure have a lot of fun together.

Trish is a freelance writer, tutor, and mother of three healthy, happy children [and one neurotic, but loving, dog]. Read more of her articles at or contact her at

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Reading piano notes is far easier than many beginning pianists think it is. Ultimately, piano note reading is simply a matter of memorization and repetition. In other words, once you learn the basics, all you have to do is put them into practice, and to do so as many times as it takes to completely internalize your note reading skills.

No doubt, you've seen what's known as the staff -- the system of five lines and four spaces upon which musical notes are organized. In music notation, at the far left of a staff you will always see a clef, which is basically a symbol that indicates how the notes on the staff should be read.

There are many different types of clefs, but fortunately for beginning pianists, the vast majority of piano music deals only with two clefs, the treble clef and the bass clef. The treble clef is usually used to notate the first few octaves to the right of Middle C, while the bass clef is usually used to notate the few octaves to the left of Middle C.

In all staffs, no matter what the clef is, successive lines and spaces represent ascending notes of the scale. For example, in the treble clef, the lowest line represents E. Thus, the space just above the lowest line represents F, the line just above that represents G, the space above that is A, and so on.

In the treble clef, which looks sort of like a backwards "S" with a few extra curly-cues thrown in, and centered on the second line up, the notes are as follows: The five lines, from bottom to top, stand for E G B D and F, while the four spaces stand for F A C and E. All beginning pianists must memorize these very early in the learning process. FACE is an easy acronym to remember, while EGBDF lends itself to a variety of mnemonic phrases, which you can make up yourself. For example, when I took my lessons, I was forced to memorize, "Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge."

Often, when reading music, you will see additional "lines" added above or below the staff. These are merely extensions of the staff, and follow the same succession as notes within the staff. For example, the invisible line one space below the treble clef staff -- a note that you will see very, very often -- stands for middle C as it is one space and one line below the E represented by the first line.

The bass clef, which looks like a backwards "C" with two dots around the second line from the top, has this configuration: The five lines stand for G B D F and A, while the four spaces stand for A C E and G. Again, there are many mnemonic devices to remember these, but it's always best to make up your own.

With many piano songs, especially those for beginners, the left hand plays the notes in the bass clef, while the right hand plays the notes in the treble clef. The two areas meet up at middle C, which is two notes below the lowest line in the treble clef staff, and two notes above the highest line in the bass clef staff.

Beyond this basic memorization of notes represented by lines and spaces, piano note reading also involves some knowledge of what is meant by various symbols. Most commonly you will see the symbols for sharp and flat. The symbol for sharp, which closely resembles the number symbol (#), indicates that the note which it accompanies should be raised one half step. Meanwhile, the flat symbol looks like a lower case "b," and indicates that the accompanying note should be played one half step lower. Also, once you start to learn more keys and scales, you will need to know the natural symbol, which cancels a sharp or flat is dictated by the key. Also, it's important to remember that when you see a sharp, flat, or natural symbol, that symbol remains in effect throughout the measure.

From this point on, things become more complicated. But don't sweat it. Learning how to read piano notes is a baby-step process. Try not to learn everything at once. Instead, focus on one thing at a time, and practice until it comes as easily as breathing. As always, this is the key to learning piano.

Duane Shinn is the author of the popular DVD home study course on playing piano titled "Crash Course In Exciting Piano Playing!"

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Maximum Coldplay: The Unauthorised Biography of Coldplay

Audio CD book on a full color picture CD. Contains a biography, complete with commentary & interview excerpts. Comes in a full color slipcase with an eight page photo booklet & one-sided, 10 inch x 10 inch full color poster. Chrome Dreams. 2002.
Customer Review: Be prepared! No music!
It was really not clear when purchasing this CD that it is only spoken word. I was at least able to determine this by reading the cover before taking off the plastic. How disappointing, especially for someone relatively new to Coldplay's music.
Customer Review: Don't understand.
I just don't get it. These reviews don't even make sense. It would also be nice if the track list was posted for potential buyers.


From my perspective, I think that democracy is synonymous of equality between women and men in the civil society and government. Ironically, there are more women voters, but fewer women candidates. However, From my point of view I think that Parity Democracy is the big difference between democracies and dictatorships.I remembered that the Talibans regime the worst dictatorship in the modern history- prohibited women from participating in Afghanistans National Government.In 1990 Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, a pro-dremocracy activist, won the elections in Myanmar (ex-Burma), but she was arrested and the results were cancelled abruptly by dictator Saw Maung.

Certainly, international organizations reports that 10 democracies have the highest proportion of women in its governmental structures: Sweden, Denmark, Finland, The Netherlands, Iceland, Germany, New Zealand, Mozambique, South Africa and Spain.Another example: under the Administration of Bill Clinton, Madeleine Albright was the first female Secretary of State.

Sri Lanka, formerly named Ceylan, is the home to Sirimavo Ratwate Dias Bandaranaike. She was often described as one of the most important females in the history: Mrs Bandaranaike became Worlds first female Prime Minister. She influenced Prime Minister from Janet Jagan to Gro Harlem Brundtland with her leadership for womens rights and democracy.

Inspired by example of the Women Revolution in Sri Lanka, Pakistan, India and Bangla Desh, Chandrika Kumaratunga, Bandaraikes daughter, was elected Head of State in 1994.Her government was very similar that of her mother.
Certainly, there were fewer governments by womens leaders as Violeta Barrios de Chamorro, who has fought for the democracy and womens rights in Nicaragua, one of the most poorest countries in Latin America.

Finally I would like to finish my article with my favourite personal motto: The future is for those people who believe in the beauty of their dreams, by Anna Eleanor Roosevelt Roosevelt, who was First Lady of the United States between 1933 and 1945.

ARGENTINA: In 1974 Maria Estela Martinez de Peron, best known as Isabel Peron, became the first woman President in the modern history.She is the widow of former President Juan Domingo Peron (1946-1955 and 1973-1974). After his death in 1974, Juan Domingo Peron was replaced by Vicepresident Isabel Peron. On March, 1976, after 2 years in power, she was ousted in a military coup led by Jorge Rafael Videla. She was forced into exile.

BANGLADESH: The country, an ex-British colony, has had two women in the national power. Begum Khaleda Zia was Prime Minister from 1991 to 1996. Khaleda was an advocate for the environment.She escaped assassination in 1995. However, she was reelected without opposition, but Khaleda Zia was succedded by other woman: Sheik Hassina Wajed, anti-governmental activist. Sheik Hassina Wajed was as unpopularity as her predecessor.Bangladesh was one of the few states in the world whose government has been successively held by women.

BOLIVIA:Lydia Gueiler Tejada, former accountant, served as interim President of Bolivia from 16 November 1979 to 17 July 1980.She was elected President by Parliament. Mrs Gueiler Tejada was overthrown by General Luis Garcia Meza Tejada, who was one of the worst dictators in the Latin American history.

CANADA:Dame Kimberley Campbell was ephemeral Prime Minister from 25 June 1993 to November 1993. But she was not the only one in power. Jeanne Sauce was Governor General from 1984 to 1989.Furthermore, Adrienne Clarkson was elected also GG in 1999. Currently, Michaelle Jean, was born in Haiti, has been elected GG in 2005.

DOMINICA: Dominica, a small country in the Caribbean, has been an independent State since 1978. Mary Eugenia Charles governed from 1980 to 1995. During her government Dominica had one of the most highest rate of human development in Latin America.In 1983, Mary Eugenia Charles, an admirer of Great Britains Margaret Thatcher, established diplomatic relations with Republic of China (ROC) or Taiwan. She was apparently supported by the United States and Taiwan for its anti-communism.

ICELAND:Vidis Finnbogadottir was Head of State of Iceland from 1980 to 1996.Vigdis was a key interlocutor between the Soviet Bloc and the United States. She was the first woman democratically elected President in the world.

INDIA: Indira Ghandi was one of the greatest politicians of the history. She served as Prime Minister of India from 1966 to 1977 and from 1980 to 1984. In the 1970s her government was marked by corruption, human rights abuses and pro-Soviet politics. In 1984, Mrs Gandhi was assassinated by her bodyguards. During her government, she was an anti-Apartheid leader. Many people loved her and others hated her. Currently, she is a symbol of the India.

IRELAND: Mary Robinson was elected Head of State of Ireland from 1990 to 1997. She was a forceful campaigner for womens rights in the world.The fruits of her efforts continue to flourish: On November 11, 1997, Mary McAleese was elected President.The world recognized Irelands Mary robinson for her fight against abuses of refuges.

ISRAEL: Golda Meir governed as Prime Minister from 1969 to 1974. She is remembered as one of the most important women in the Israeli history.During her government, Israel and Egypt, Syria and Iraq went to war. After her death, Israel is the birthplace of important women as Leah Rabin and Shulamith Katznelson.

NEW ZEALAND: Jenny Shipley had an ephemeral government. She became the NZs first female Prime Minister.In 1999 Helen Clark was elected Prime Minister of NZ. Historically, New Zealand is the birthplace of the Woman Suffrage.The countrys name in the local dialect means Land of the Woman Suffrage.

NORWAY:Gro Harlem Brundtland served as Prime Minister for 11 years. She has been described as a great Prime Minister. She is equally admired as an ecologist and diplomatic.Under her leadership, Norway was an example of human development in the world.

PHILIPPINES:Corazon Cory Aquino was the fourth women in Asia to assume the position of President. After her victory, Aquino said that among her political projects were the anti-poverty and human rights.She was Benigno Aquinos wife. She helped win more representation for women in the Parliament. It was under her government that full democratization began.

SRI LANKA: Sririmavo Bandaraike was the first woman who became Prime Minister in the history. Historically, she has been the first woman with real power in the 20th Century. Under her government, the Island, an ex- British colony, became a democratic republic. Mrs Bandaranaike had taken a prominent role in national affairs during the government of her daughter, President Chandrika Kumaratunga Bandaranaike (1994-2000).

UNITED KINGDOM: Margaret Hilda Roberts Thatcher, best known worldwide as the Iron Lady, was Prime Minister from 1979 to 1990. She was the most powerful woman in the industrialized world.Mrs Thatcher does not herself as a feminist. Thatcher was reelected Prime Minister in the 1980s and she was an active anti-communist leader.Her economical philosophy provided a model for many countries as Hungary, Czech Republic, Mauritius, Botswana, El Salvador, Chile and Cyprus. Under her leadership, the UKs economy witnessed the most rapid growth in the 1980s.Ironically, she has not made campaigns for womens rights, but she is an advocate for the ecology.Europe has produced many leaders, but none as Margaret Thatcher

UNITED STATES:In 1996 Maria Jana Korbelova or Marie Hana Korbel, best known as Madeleine Albright, made history when she was elected Secretary of State of the United States.She was born in Czech Republic, former Czechoslovakia, but Madeleine became American citizen in the 1950s.She gained international recognition for her efforts on behalf of human rights and democracy. She was one of the few American leaders to balance good relations with North Korea
Did you know that an American woman was Head of State?
Janet Jagan became President of Guyana, an ex-British colony and South American country.Mrs Jagan, a naturalized Guyanan citizen who was born in Chicago, Illinois, came to power from 19 December 1997 to 11 August 1999.




3---------------------- MUJER Y PODER, CECOSAMI, LIMA, 2001








Alejandro Guevara onofre:I am a writer about Third World issues (human rights, biographies, culture, history, olympic sport, democracy, women's rights).

I have many books (Mundototal, Power and Woman, and History of Women in the United States) and essays (Dictatorship and Woman:The First Lady of the Cuban Revolution, Taiwan:Democracy and Human Development, Culture and Dictatorships, Fidel Castro and Sport, Pol Pot, Robert Mugabe and Dictatorship, Indira Gandhi and Alberto Fujimori:The Last Dictatorship. I have studies in Journalism, Political Science and International Relations

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At Moviestore we have an incredible library of celebrity photography covering movies, TV, music, sport and celebrity. Our exclusive photographs are professionally produced by our in-house team; we perfect bright vibrant colors or wonderful black and white tones for our photographic prints that you can display in your home or office with pride. All our images are produced from genuine original negatives and slides held in our vast library. We have been in business for 16 years so you can buy with confidence. Our guarantee: if you are not fully satisfied with any print from Moviestore we will gladly refund your money!

Here is a news-worthy material that will never find its way into the mainstream media. Is your daughter grinding? First, what is "grinding." According to Mariam's Webster dictionary it is "to rotate the hips in an erotic manner." So, to paraphrase the question, I will ask - is your daughter rotating her hips in an erotic manner? To add to that, is she doing that while a guy is standing behind her?

I don't want to be a party pooper, but the chances are that if your daughter has danced at a party, she has grinded, because it is the most popular way to dance nowadays. It is fascinating to think about the ways that dancing has changed in order to speed things up. It makes me wonder every time I see people dance this way. Are we that primitive, that we actually have to simulate a sexual act on the dance floor in order to show affection? The days of the tango and waltz are gone. Sure, some people still enjoy that kind of dancing, but the most common way to dance at a party nowadays is indeed grinding.

No, I don't need statistics or all kinds of data to back my claim up, if you go to any sort of disco, frat house, party, etc. you will find an awful sight. I am not here to tell you how messed up your kids are, or about modern values - I just find it fascinating that if I were a parent, I would really feel embarrassed to find out that my daughter is grinding.

Why embarrassed? Maybe embarrassed at the path that our society is taking, the awful music videos being promoted on TV and the never-ending sexual ads on billboards and the media. As comedian Steve Byrnes said, it is funny slash depressing at the same time. Where are the romance and the anticipation? They are nowhere to be found.

One should really look at this issue at a different, more global perspective. We are evolving. We want things faster and ready-to-go. Our world is getting smaller and smaller, to the point where we can never leave our room and still get the information we need. We also want instant gratification, instant success, instant downloads and instant fun. So, when you asks your daughter if she has grinded, don't be surprised if she instantly says "yes."

The author has a blog entitled It is for observational humor and social commentary on today's insanities. The author does not support grinding. Any affiliations with grinding, or acts of grinding nature ought to be erased and forgotten.

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Shakira - MTV Unplugged

Customer Review: Shakira again
Just okay in my book! I like her newer stuff much better! But cool to see her perform
Customer Review: Great live CD
I have bought this one, because in my opinion Shakira is the greatest artist of this century. After Oral Fictation 1 & 2, Laundry Service, Pies Descalzos and Donde Estan los Landrones this was the first live album that I've bought from her. I think I've already listened it for more than fifty times the last 3 months. Particularly this version of Estoy Aqui is very surprising.

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Karaoke MTV Latin Pop Music CD+G 2-Pack CD Volume 1 & 2

Remakes of some of the most popular Latin Pop hits have been compiled on an energetic two CD+Graphics set for karaoke fans to enjoy. Though it's geared for the teen set, grownups will undoubtedly join in when they hear these tunes and see accompanying lyrics for each track on their TV screens. It's easy, instant fun for future American idols of any age. There are two versions of each song: with and without vocals. All songs are professional re-creations and not sung by the original artists.
Customer Review: parental advisory
I bought this for my 8 year old daughter, assuming that because it was geared towards kids, it would be appropriate. I was disappointed to see that these cds had a parental advisory: "Explicit lyrics" sticker on them. It did not say this in the product description. I will be returning this item.
Customer Review: Karaoke CD review
I like this, because i love to sing. It educates you in music and is a lot of fun to do with your friends. Its not very durable though, but how many CDs are???

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For centuries the world's greatest musicians and composers have had a secret weapon that only few knew about. The astounding fact is that every single person has this same ability lying undiscovered inside! This special ability is pitch recognition, more commonly known as perfect pitch and relative pitch. These two skills have been the guiding force behind some of music's biggest names.

Here are some interesting facts that you should know:

  • 10% of students at the leading music schools, including Julliard School of Music, have perfect pitch.
  • A symphony orchestra usually includes 20% - 40% of musicians with perfect pitch.
  • Numerous leading surveys have concluded that at least 50% of today's top recording artists have either perfect pitch, relative pitch, or both!

Perfect pitch can be taught to anyone regardless of their genetics or age. This method has been taught to musicians who are in their 50s and 60s! It is simply a skill like any other. There is no such thing as a natural, only a student. Attaining perfect pitch is done through ear-training and learning how your voice sounds not through your ears, but through the ears of your listeners. The fact is, we sound differently to ourselves than we sound to others. Even more so, we sound differently on a recording than we do live. As an experiment, record your voice onto your voicemail and listen back. It sounds different. Now, if you have access to a higher quality recording microphone, you can practice some sounds at different pitches to hear where you're at vocally.

Now, after these experiments, don't delete or erase those recordings. You'll want to listen to them again after your vocal training course. There are many courses available, some not so good, and some written by true experts.

Record yourself singing along to a song. Listen back to your recording. Take notes on the following points:

  • Are you in Tune with the music? - your notes should match the song.
  • Is your voice weak or strong? - shouting is NOT Singing!!
  • Are you breathing correctly? - you should not be short of breath
  • Do you struggle to reach the notes - pick an easy song to start with!
  • Are you gasping for air between phrases - learn to breath in the "rests" between phrases

Record yourself again with another song. Listen to the difference in your practice recordings as you progress. Proper vocal care is also important, and there are several things you can do to ensure your voice is in peak performance every day:

  1. Drink water to keep your body well hydrated, and avoid alcohol and caffeine. Your vocal cords vibrate very fast, and having a proper water balance helps keep them lubricated. Foods containing large amounts of water are excellent hydration-conscious snacks, including apples, pears, watermelon, peaches, melons, grapes, plums, bell peppers and applesauce.
  2. Allow yourself several "vocal naps" every day, especially during periods of extended use. Try to avoid speaking for 30 minutes straight, a few times a day.
  3. Don't smoke, or if you already do, quit.
  4. Don't abuse or misuse your voice. Avoid yelling or screaming, and try not to talk loudly in noisy areas. I
  5. Keep your throat and neck muscles relaxed even when singing high notes and low notes.
  6. Pay attention to how you speak every day. Even performers who have good singing habits can cause damage when they speak. Many skilled singers don't continue their healthy habits when they speak.
  7. Don't clear your throat too often. When you clear your throat, it's like slamming your vocal cords together.
  8. When you're sick, spare your voice. Don't talk when you're hoarse due to a cold or infection. Listen to what your voice is telling you.
  9. When you have to speak publicly, to large groups or outdoors, think about using amplification to avoid straining your voice.
  10. Humidify your home and work areas. Remember, moist is good for the voice.

You have numerous options for vocal study courses. Don't be fooled by the cheap immitations, or the "American Idol Singer's Training Kit", even the people who endorsed it, Randy and Paula, laughed at it last year on the show. A professionally produced product, backed by years of experience is what you want to look for. You could opt for a vocal coach, but be prepared to pay a premium for this privilege. Home study courses are an attractive alternative, but may not completely replace the skills of a live coach. The Perfect Pitch vocal training product has helped countless people become the vocalist that they strive to be.

Mark Williamson is the founder of Mark routinely hand picks informational products that help others achieve their goals, whether they are self improvement, or home business related.

The Perfect Pitch vocal course

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