Thursday, August 21, 2008

Complimentary Notes To "The Philosopher"

May be we are getting nearer to the end that we are in observance of the confluence of many things that we customarily are used to think and believe never to come too close to each other or never to cross each other's path till eternity. Then philosophy was a pure mental exercise psychology likewise, but limited to human behavior and where it comes from and what brought it about. The time has come now that where we can see and observe every human behavior or almost all human behavior with a corresponding physical and chemical activity within the brain physiology and other parts of our human body. How long ago was that we thought we could relate and map human behavior to a chemical and physiological brain make up and activity? Nonetheless, however hard knowing the knower is, we are making big leaps in shortening the gap between what was simply a metaphysical exercise and what was a quantifiable and qualify able material objective reality. As to who went right and who went wrong though very much dependent on who one asks the question , to an independent and objective observer it comes along clearly that both gave a lot of ground and they sure will give more till they have exhausted all of their individual standing. Will that be? Or will that not be?

However long the time and distance, it seems every bit what we have learned and are learning about us and ever thing else to date suggests that what has begun from a singularity of a sort to terminate in a singularity of a sort. Not ruling out the singularity of time space and matter as suggested by the Big bang theory, but adding to it a singularity of form and essence. As we (the universe and what is in it and it) are creations of information that preceded us we might simply end up being information that outlasts us. After all what we seem to gather is information that made us, that is governing our very essence and that is leading us in to our end and begging. So information we seek, information we gather and information we pass and I invite you to stay on as I embark on the journey of gathering synthesizing and disseminating information about all and us in particular once again and more.

As we are constructs of information we in turn gather, compile, multiplex and decompile to fit our needs and be compatible with the dynamic and ever evolving environment we often find ourselves in. In as much as what comes in to us by way of information affects our inner mechanics and chemistry it seems rather obvious that what we give out as pieces of information will have a similar effect on the receiving end to whom the information is of need to accomplish a task or fit a circumstance. Fitting a circumstance in a life's time entails finding life in a time segment, in a condition and place and the information compatible to make the right decisions and actions to enhance and sustain it. As every life form gathers information it as well learns and inherits from its predecessors who are endowed with knowledge by inheritance, experience and learning. Experience seems to teach that we curriculurize and compartmentalize information delivery and receipt in synthesis with our physiological stage of development that those who are old enough and knowledgeable are of importance in the determination and arrangement of information to be dissipated till such time deemed unnecessary by reach of a physiological developmental stage and meeting the corresponding intellectual and psychological prerequisites. As we are physical constructs of information and our physical body is nourished and sculpted by the constant feed of information we receive and our physical construction as well reverse feeds our information processing and output quality and efficiency. These and many more points which I would be getting in to are made clear to me from the initial chapter of the book.

My conclusions and insights as well may not concur 100% with that of the Author's that is because it is not my intent to summarize nor criticize, but take the outline and jot some the few thoughts that came to mind as I read it. As the amount of information we are able to access increased exponentially, it has become a common worry that we are becoming somewhat disconnected from our immediate social and physical environment and more of individuals than social beings and the author as well elaborates on that very eloquently.

It is though a couple of slanted angle views that struck my vision and carried my thoughts that I wanted to share here. One of them being the relationship between depth and width of vision as governed by the law of optics; that is the narrowing of the field of vision often is a precondition to magnification or magnification of a small item or being without exception narrows or eliminates peripheral vision and if not totally eliminated it is often lost as a background noise without due consideration. Such is the capability and purpose of our modern day gadgets and instruments from the television to the computer, from the internet to the telephone to make as reach and touch what was otherwise impossible. As our reach from all over the county to all over the state, nation and the Glob of like minded people becomes an instantaneity, are we breaking down to getting ever more divergent to our individual beats or are we getting convergent and getting to a common Global beat and rhythm? These increase in distance and scope of our reach has in fact made us people of specialties where generalities could not carry one across any river and our interdependence by that much stronger and important if we are to cross oceans and continents to accomplish a task and fulfill our needs. Social intelligence as such is the awareness and acknowledgment of a fundamental truth that no individual is an island in itself or her/himself. That from the minutest of beings and non beings in our Universe are endowed with an important task for us to be and do when and if it falls within the grand universal scheme and could only harm has when it is out of synch with this grand scheme, and in its struggle to find its rightful place if we happen to be the grand obstacle that it had to overcome. It is only recently that we are coming to the understanding of such an integrated interdependent Globe and Universe and we still have a long ways to traverse to come to a complete understanding of an integrated grand universal and global reality.

A thing is not real only if it is real in its consequences, but if and only if a common reference is established by all of us or most of us and com to a common understanding of what it is and establish an agreement to that effect otherwise both the imagined and the real one has biological consequences, the real one to all while the imaginary to the only one who imagined it. Luck of a common reference would render the imaginations and ideas remain realities of the individual minds (imaginations) until such time they are seen from a common established common reference vantage which is often the very essence and intent of a universal being. When two items or individuals are asynchronous one of them or both seems more than likely out of sync with this grand universal essence and being that often leads to sickness or death.

Our inner self and outer self and anything else's constantly and permanently browses its environment not only to synchronize itself with every other of our and its kind, but also establishes a common reference for affinity and common understanding. Why are particular sound wave lengths with particular pitch and amplitude, tones and overtones appealing to all of humanity and other are not? Is it may be we are all attuned to a common inner and outer audible and non rhythm's tones and overtones? If so what could be its fundamental tones wavelength, amplitude and pitch that is being amplified when we are attuned to music that is at the root of our pleasure and displeasure? We know in our efforts to synchronize and amplify we move with the beat of the drum, tone of the piano wind instrument or string what of our inner parts dance do our instruments of music follow? It seems we create music in by a dance and vibration of some delicate parts of our inner mind only to reinforce and amplify that common inner vibration where ever it occurs and whatever it is.

It is elaborated clearly and at length how we humans are capable of emotional mapping of each other's state of mind and there is no wonder what we humans and everything else have an exact copy of our parts( not organs or body parts, but elements that constitute us) independently of time, space and condition. As our biological and physiological similarities increase so does what constitutes us. That who are in them are as well in us as clones or mirror images in a sort of a worm whole without the effect of time and space , what happens to them then becomes what happens to us in the degree of the cloned entities in us and them. These are rather the source of our empathy and sympathy with others and them with us. It is worth it here to mention why the effects of modern communication machines like telephones ,televisions the internet and the rest of them all are deemed isolating despite the fact that they have, can and will takes us to greater distances and greater number of people in lesser time may be it is because that they don't have emotions that we can map in to our brains for the mere fact that the amount of what is in them and us in common pales in comparison to what we have in live people and others near us. In many words and a single sentence distance and time have direct bearing on the amount of common entities inherited and acquired that exist amongst people and other living and none living things having a direct effect on the degree of each other's emotional mapping.

As it turns out that brain imaging reveals when several people are questioned "how are you doing?" activated the same parts of the brain as when asked "How is she feeling?" I wondered if that would activate the same region of the brain if "she" is exchanged for "it" not it have no emotion, but due to the common in "You" and "it". While "You and "She" are basically constructs of the similar or near the same information, give and take acquirements along the path being, the information that "You and "It" are constructed on in comparison diverge more. " One can safely conclude that the emergence and persistence of cooperative behavior are not at all unlikely, provided the participants meet repeatedly, recognize one another and remember the outcomes of the past encounters." "Throughout the evolutionary history of life, cooperation among smaller units led to the emergence of more complex structures, as for example the emergence of multicultural creatures from single celled organisms. In this case, cooperation became as essential as competition. Spatial structures act to protect diversity. They allow cooperators and defectors to exist side by side. In different, but related context, similar spatial patterns allow populations of hosts and parasites or prey and predators, to survive together despite the inherent instability of their interaction. Such cooperative strategies may have been crucial for pre-biotic evolution, which many researchers believe may have taken place on surfaces rather than in well-stirred solutions. Catalyzing the replication of a molecule constitutes a form of mutual help; hence, a chain of catalysts, with each link feeding back on itself, would be the earliest instant of mutual aid." The Mysteries of Mathematics from the Archives of Scientific American. June 1995. By Martin A. Nowak, Robert M. May and Kari Sigmund. The above quotation is rather not made in the exact context the authors of the article might have intended to explain game theory, yet I find it telling of the mutual help and assistance that existed and exist in the fundamentals of our makeup that calls for a mapping of each other's emotional state for survival and trivial now and in the after now.

As it is apparent that there is a continuous infighting for position, possession, love and ultimately for offspring often when a confrontation becomes eminent with another of similar or different entity, the infighting becomes a matter of secondary importance and instantaneous communication takes a front raw and emotional mapping becomes a vital medium. These are the rules of life and being from primordial beginning to the present, inner peace and intra-peace, infighting and intra-fighting in the March forward and dynamic progress with time always as a valued commodity. " Our abilities, to speak, love, hate, and perceive the world around us, as well as our memories, our dreams, even our species history, emerge from the combination of a multitude of tiny electrical signals that spread across our brains just like a thunderstorm sweeps a summer sky." Seeking the neural code By Miguel A.L Nicolelis and Sindarta Ribeiro, Scientific American magazine Decmber2006. Information reduced to tiny electrical signals are rather readable and understandable by each and any part of our brain thus establishing a common reference for all information that we collect through any of our senses often to be complimented by any other to establish a common reference as I stated some time earlier in this writing and lending some additional credence to emotional mapping of people and may be other animates as well, for tiny electrical signals remain the same before they are compiled in to bites and bites of information.

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The Value of Excellence in Performance - Lessons From Jazz

Folk wisdom holds that we use about 10% of our potential in a lifetime. New scientific research suggests the percentage is dramatically worse we use a mere 1/10,000th of our capabilities over the course of our lives. What a waste!

Can you imagine the benefit that you would contribute if you developed the capacity to use just 1% more of your talents to achieve what matters most to you? Is 10% too big a reach for you? I think not.

Among my most provocative teachers in the field of performance potential are the jazz musicians with who I work in my speaking and seminar business. They are masters at bringing their unique forms of excellence together to generate value for their audiences. They are passionate about increasing their potential to perform by constantly exploring new possibilities for achieving their purpose.

Why Jazz?

Warren Bennis is one of the worlds most influential writers on leadership and performance. In the mid-1990s, he had a significant change of mind. Before, his favourite image for a leader was the conductor of a symphony orchestra, blending the talents of accomplished performers according to a detailed and carefully crafted score. After, he realized that a jazz group was a better image for leadership and performance.

Excellence in performance in a constantly changing environment, he realized, was about improvisation, and that is what jazz musicians did best. They embraced change as opportunity, not threat. They shared leadership according to talent and the needs of the performance. They greeted surprise as a chance to test their talents and dance to forms of music yet to be heard, generating new value through their exploration of new possibilities. And they recognized, as sax great Cannonball Adderley once said, that there were no mistakes, only opportunities to learn.

Five Key Lessons from Jazz

Here are five the key lessons from the wisdom and workings of jazz about building your capacity to generate value through your unique excellence in performance. They form an acronym for VALUE:







Your voice is unique. No one else has what you have to contribute in the style you have to deliver it. Your voice develops through the blending of your passions, talents, needs, and principles. Jazz musicians, pianist Walter Bishop Jr. once observed, learn in a three-step process: they imitate, assimilate, then innovate. They learn their craft from the masters, trying to imitate their sound. Then they take little bits of things from different people and weld them into their own style. Finally, they imagine how they can take the music to where it has never gone before and do it. That is when they generate their authentic excellence in performance. As jazz bassist and composer Charles Mingus once said, Im trying to play the truth of what I am. The reason its difficult is because Im changing all the time. You can meet the same challenges of improvisation with your unique voice in your chosen field of contribution.


You can survive by simply coping with the messes of the past and the present. But you will not thrive unless you focus the energy of your unique voice on new possibilities in the future. Jazz musicians exhibit a fascinating respect for tradition blended with a passion for innovation. They are constantly trying to imagine new ways of using their voices, to do new things with old melodies and techniques, to improvise on old ideas to stimulate new possibilities and achieve new results. They aspire to do better. Trumpet master Miles Davis said that he always asked his groups to play their best and then play above that. It was then, he believed, that great music happened. Excellence in performance is the same. It is achieved when we contribute our best and then more.


Learning requires listening. Band leader Duke Ellington once said that the most important instrument in jazz was the human ear. Excellence in performance arises when all the members of the band listen to what they are each contributing to their common purpose. It arises when they all imagine how they can use their voices to create the best result through a carefully coordinated effort. Jazz musicians are strong individualists, confident and even jealous of their own unique voice. But they choose to listen to, learn from, and cooperate with each other to produce something they know they cannot achieve on their own. They are genuine life-long and collaborative learners. Excellence in performance requires that you too constantly listen and learn from each other.


All that voicing, aspiring, and learning means little if you do not choose to utilize them to contribute to a broader purpose than your own pleasure. Jazz musicians thrive on their audiences. Duke Ellington saw his audiences as an integral part of his performance. The special moments for Ellington came when he and his orchestra, which he considered to be his instrument, felt the audiences appreciation building, responded positively to it, and utilized their passions and talents to create new heights of meaningful experience for everyone involved. Excellence in performance requires the positive utilization of your unique brilliance in the service of others.


Human beings are designed to collaborate. However alone you may feel at times, you belong to a species that thrives only in community. The whole dynamic and flow of excellence in performance depends on how well you choose to use your unique capacities to encourage excellence in performance in others. Jazz pianist Monty Alexander usually performs in a trio. At its best, he has observed, trio playing is a situation in which participants willingly support each other. Each player brings virtuosity, optimism, mutual respect, good will, and the desire to make it feel good. If we encourage each other in the alignment of all of those elements, we can create excellence in performance.

Generating VALUE through Excellence in Performance

When jazz musicians get into the flow of a great improvisation, they say they are swinging. Canadian jazz master Oscar Peterson told an interviewer that swing is a deep feeling, an emotion. When you are swinging, he continued, you have really gotten into it, really gone deep. When jazz musicians blend passion and talent to create VALUE, they are expressing their voices, reaching for their aspirations, learning from each other, utilizing their brilliance, and encouraging each other to play their best and then play above that. For them, this is Xcellence in performance.

Imagine, then, how beneficial it would be for you:

to discover 10% more of your unique voice

to elevate your aspirations by 10%

to learn 10% more about what matters most to you

to utilize 10% more of your capacity to use your voice to serve others

to spend 10% more time encouraging others to use their brilliance to get into the swing of contribution.

Aligning all those factors will generate excellence in performance in any field, not only for yourself, but also for all those within your circles of influence. The results will delight everyone.

Brian Fraser is the Lead Provocateur of Jazzthink. He is a professional speaker, author, and leadership coach who uses the wit and workings of jazz to help people and organizations improve their performance. Find out more at

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Indie Labels Vs Major Record Companies

The music industry has been bemoaning its fate, as the costs of promoting artists and their songs soar while sales slump. It seems that it's facing a slow, self-inflicted implosion. It blames its demise on the Internet and the easy access that fans have to music that has yet to be released for public consumption. Independent record labels, on the other hand, are reveling in the public attention that the Internet brings to their artists. According to independent record labels, business is booming and prospects have never looked better.

An expense that major record companies have that Indie labels have been clever enough to avoid is playtime on commercial radio stations. Major labels have to pay from $400,000 up, in order to get one song on air. Indie labels tend not to even approach large commercial stations as they know that they can't afford all the promotion costs that are included in the deal. They prefer to work with college and public radio stations that are usually more receptive to music that is not mainstream and conformist.

Another marketing strategy that has helped to increase album sales for indie labels is that they target consumers who are still willing to pay for music. This group consists mostly of grown-ups who feel that they have to pay for what they own and don't have a "if I can get it for free I will" attitude. Adults have a greater sense of ethical responsibility and a respect for hard work, and are less likely to download music for free.

Many artists are adopting a more extreme independent approach by forming their own record labels. This allows them to have complete creative control over the record making process and is the ultimate in self-expression for any indie artist.

Most artists think that signing with a major label will be their ticket to the big time and that the money will come rolling in. In fact, artists have to sell about 1 million albums before they start seeing their share of the profits, as their studio time and all of the "perks" of the business, such as the limo rides, are charged against their royalties. Royalties might also be heavily weighted in favour of the label. Many artists are surprised to find that they earn only $1 per disc sold.

Compare that with an indie label, which with careful planning and budgeting, is able to keep marketing and overhead expenses within a manageable range. With expenses down, the profit margin is larger. They also have fairer profit sharing deals, often splitting profits equally between the label and the artist. When it comes to selling discs, indie artists can sell discs at a concert and make a decent profit from sales numbering in the thousands only.

One of the biggest and perhaps most distinguishing differences between indie and major labels is that indie labels let artists keep the rights to their work. Large labels have the option of not releasing any music an artist has recorded, and all the while the artist remains bound to them by contract and can't sign up with any other label. The artist is taken out of the public eye and effectively has his or her career terminated at the whim of the label.

Many experts involved in the music industry have predicted that major record labels are going the way of the dinosaur. They attribute this mainly to the large labels' inability to read and react to activity in the music market. Large labels create such huge promotional vehicles around their artists that it takes them too long to react to a drop in record sales, and change their marketing strategy. Conversely, if an artist's sales pick up after a slump, it takes the label too long to get a large promotional and marketing strategy off the ground. Indie labels, on the other hand, are ideally placed to take advantage of market movements, as they are small and can move quickly to capitalise on opportunities or invest in some damage control.

It's been said that big labels have forgotten what's important in the music industry, that the artists are the resource to be treasured and not the songs. Indie music and, as a product, indie labels have never forgotten this fact. Artists have always been recognised as respected contributors to the music industry. They have always been fairly counted into whatever profits there may have been. Indie labels do their best to adhere to the principles and culture upon which the indie scene has been built. By doing this, they have managed to achieve comparatively more success than the big boys in the industry. This must be a big blow to those who believe that non-conformists will never be successful in life.

Recommended site:

Sandra wrote this article for the online marketers Indy Music News indie music news one of the leading suppliers of news, trends and upcoming events in the indie news industry.

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Homeschooling - The 4 Main Reasons A Family May Choose to Home School a Child

It is estimated that more than 1 million children under the age of eighteen are receiving their education at home. It is impossible to know the exact number of families that choose to keep their children at home instead of sending them to traditional classroom settings. Part of the reason for this is that most states do not have an accurate count of these children.

Families may choose to home school their children for many different reasons. Sometime it is only temporary due to an illness or a cross country move. There are four reasons that children are being educated at home by their families:

  1. They are deeply religious and want the children to be educated with fundamentalist beliefs. Many of these families use the Bible as their main text and use it to teach reading, math, social studies, health, geography and science. Older siblings may help teach the younger children. Consistent beliefs and values are maintained throughout the family. The parents of these children want to ensure that no ideas from outside of the family are introduced to their children without their approval. In years past this group accounted for the largest number of home schoolers.
  2. The family may live in a remote area where schools are not easily accessible. There are quite a few sections of the United States and Canada where this is the case. It may be a two hour or longer ride to a school and some families do not want their children to be on the road for that long, especially when the weather is bad. Many of these children do not attend school until they are in high school.
  3. Children who have survived a traumatic event, those who are going through a serious illness, or a child who has experienced a catastrophic event either at school or at home may be taken out of school for an extended period of time and educated at home by family members. Some of these children return to school within a few months and others continue to be home schooled until they reach the age of majority.
  4. They believe that what they can offer their children is superior to what any formal institution has available. The children in these families may receive professional music or dance classes, sometimes travel throughout the world with their families, or may have a connection with one of the many private universities across North America that offer programs for young people. Many of these children go on to attend universities successfully before they are eighteen years old.
Many states require that you register your home as a home school, while other states require no such identification or registration. At one time it was typical for one adult family member to hold at least some type of teaching credential, but that is now a thing of the past. Textbooks are easily available to anyone who wants to use them in their home teachings. Resources such as libraries, local colleges and universities, and reliable internet information can now make teaching children at home an adventure rather than a chore. While the academic education of a home-schooled child may be enriched, many are concerned that the socialization of these children may be negatively impacted. However, according to the recent studies conducted by a variety of statisticians, the home-schooled child may have a higher level of self-esteem, have a highly developed set of social values and mores, and be more well- adjusted than children who attend regular day classes. Home-schooled children typically spend morning with academics and have afternoons available for organized sports, classes in music, dance, or art, and activities at their place of worship.

Choosing how and where to educate a child can be a decision with far reaching consequences. Much of this decision will be based on the needs and beliefs of the family, the individual child, and the educational system available to the family. By researching all of these factors, families can come to an intelligent decision that will be beneficial to all involved.

Connie Ragen Green is a motivational writer, speaker, and mentor. To find out more visit her at .

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Immortal Patriotic Songs in Bollywood

By supporting the communal harmony and national solidarity, our film industry has all along the played significant part. During the decades, a certain number of films signicatifs with interesting of the nationalist topics were made, and some of these films started from a major impact on the viewers of the ' spirits. And also important is the fact that our finer patriotic songs came from such films - the songs which now became a part of our ethos national.

Less than one year after we carried out independence, a film entided 'shaheed ' was made by Filmistan Studios. It held the first role Dilip KUMAR and Kamini Kaushal. Today, one remembers mainly this film for his song patriotic, rah Watan of ki hamen the nau watan of ke jawan shaheed Ho.. this song was written by Rajah Mehdi Ali Khan, together in music by Ghulam Haider, and was sung by Mohamed Rafi, Khan Mastana and chorus. It is still played by AIR of the important national days.

In 1954, a film of the children entitled 'jagriti ' was produced by the same banner. Perhaps no other film appreciates the distinction to have so much several of its patriotic numbers becoming so popular. Wise popularity, these songs are: Di of 'Of hamen the bina of khadag of bina of azadi dhaal, the diya kar kamaal. of of you sant of ke of sabarmati.. ', of 'Hum of bush hammer of hain ke nikaal of kishti of of ventilator too, is bachcho ke. sambhaal of rakhna of KB of desh only. the and the bachcho of 'Aao tumhen dikhayen the ki of Hindustan of jhaki, is the hai ki. balidaan of dharti of yeh of karo of tilak of of mitti.. ' all these songs were written by Pradeep and were granted by Hemant KUMAR.

Raj Kapoor was known to make the romantic films in which there was little place to adjust patriotic songs. But in a less known film produced by him and directed by Amar KUMAR, carries Nahin de Dilli of 'Ab' (1957), there were charming patriotic songs written by Shailendra and together with the music by Daftaram. The song was, hai of apna of will hamara of Shaman of ''Yeh, is... of hai of raaj of apna of EP of desh It was a song singing merrily sung by Asha Bhonsle and chorus. Very few people remember film today, but the song is always completely popular.

In 1957 B.R Chopra made the 'Naya Daur ' Dilip KUMAR and Vyjayanthimala to hold the first role. There was patriotic song in this film which became a fury with the active masses of cinematography. And the song was hai of desh of 'Yeh transfer ka mastano of ka of albelon of ka of jawano, is... of kahna of kya of yaro of ka of desh ' It was placed in music by O P. Nayyar.

Naushad director of music and author Shakeel Badayun of song collaborated to give us three excellent patriotic songs in the 60s. These songs equal are heard today. One of them was 'Ganga Janma of film' -. chal of EP of ki of 'Insaaf of the dikhao dagar ke. of bachcho. It was sung by Hemant KUMAR in its rich baritone. The second patriotic song, meant for children, is film 'Its of India ' - hoon of rahi of munna of Nanha. sipahi hoon. of ka of desh. . It was sung by Shanti Mathur. The third patriotic song is 'Leader of film ' - the sakte nahin. of mita of hargiz of fredonnement of KB of azadi of Apni.. it was sung by Mohamed Rafi and chorus.

Bimal Roy made a film authorized 'Kabuliwala' inside. 1961. In this film there was a beautiful patriotic song sung by Manna Dey in his incomparably mlodieuse voice. By depicting a nostalgic love of the man for the his/her motherland when it is in a certain foreign country, this song is unsurpassable. And this song was, alone pyare of Ai watan, only Shaman of bichhre of AI, the EP kurbaan. diluted tuj.. ' this song was parked by the lyric author Prem Dhawan, together in music by Salil Choudhry.

Chetan Anand made (Haqeeqat ' inside. 1964. It was a film which A depicts our confrontation not successful with the Chinese inside. 1962. The film has some patriotic songs moving. But that which is pointed out that today equal is, sathiyo Kar fidda jano-bronzing of fredonnement of chale, hawale sathiyo. watan of tumhare of ab.. ' this ditty moving was parked by Kaift Aazmi and together with an air of obsession by Madan Mohan.

In 1965 a film with the 'sikandar-e-Azam came from title'. a song of this film became so popular that it on several occasions is played today equal where us cdebrate our day of independence or Republic. And the song is, will base chidiyan by daal daal 'Jahan of hain of karti, the hai will mera. of desh of OE Bharat.. ' this song was composed by director Hansraj Behl of music.

The films of Manoj KUMAR have a marked patriotic bending. In its film 'Upkaar ' (1967), there was a patriotic song of wellknown, ugle of sona of dharti of ki of desh of Mere, the ugle here moti... , which really reflected the bleached image of India like 'sone Ki Chidiya '.
Surprisingly, the patriotic song most popular which was written by a lyric author of film, was granted by a director of music of film, and was behind sung by a singer of play really appeared in any film. It is in fact made up for a special occasion and was sung by Lata Mangeshkar in front of an assistance of the thousands of people. The first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru d' India , who was present on the stage at this occasion, was so much deeply moved by its interpretation in the voice pathetic-filled of Lata Mangeshkar which tears spouted out upwards in its eyes. The song, only logo watan of ke of Ai, paani bhar of WC of mein of annkh of will zara, unki of hain of tonality of shahid of OJ. . . this song was written by Pradeep and together with the music by C Ramchandra.

In current films, we seldom find songs patriotic. It is because the majority of films being made nowadays have hardly anything to make with patriotism. If time with other a patriotic film comes length and we hear a patriotic song in it, it, rather curiously, is forgotten soon. Why is it thus? Is because patriotism becomes now an out-of-date virtue? Or, the world moving now regularly towards its goal liked to make our planet is a generalized village and thus the national borders they slowly lose their statute of sacrosanct?

Perhaps it is true to a certain extent, but perhaps the principal reason is that we do not produce any more the songs of obsession which have in them the potential to live in our collective memory during decades together. The obsession of our director of music with stolen Western airs resounded the knell of died of our ragas traditional rich person on whom in the past the majority of the film songs were based. We can naturally still produce songs as the kishti toofan of of hain of bush hammer of ''Hum the ke that nikaal is ke sambhal... ''or... chidiyan daalpar 'Jahan of will only base hain of karti ' of bachcho of rakhna of KB of desh so only our directors of music turned to our own rich heritage of the classical music instead of imitating borrowed stupidly Western airs.

Archna Gupta is a veteran in the marketing of Internet and writing of the articles on the range of subjects. For any information on currently working on India Holidays and India Tour Operator

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Hep and Happening, Bottles & Chimney - Pubs in Hyderabad

What you see - With the boom in the social scene and a considerable increase in purchasing power, the metro finally got what it desperately needed with Bottles 'n' Chimney - an exclusive night-club with plush sofas, winding staircase and thumping music.

What you get - The first level of B&C (as it is popularly known) is a quiet lounge, while the ground floor has a lot more life in it. And the bar - bang in the center of the floor - is the obvious hub of activity. There are also two tiny dance floors, one on each level, with the music being played ranging from trance and club music to remixes and Indian theme music.

The club also has a large screen put up mainly for movies and sports. In fact during FIFA, the club was transformed into a football-lover's paradise. This tradition has continued through all the sporting events that followed. In fact this was the place which set the precedent in terms of starting the pub and cricket obsession in Hyderabad by putting up large screens. B&C also holds various events including concerts, food festivals and beer-guzzling contests, to entertain its guests.

Finally, for the uninitiated, Bottles & Chimney got its name from the surnames of its owners - Sanjay Batla and Sanjay Chimnani. Now how's that for subliminal self-advertisement?

The verdict - The crowd frequenting this place consists of working professionals in the age group of 25-35. Therefore, apart from good crowd, the assets of B&C are great music, affordability and a decent variety of drinks. However, the club could do with better lighting as it has too many corners plunged in darkness.

Hyderabad Pubs has been written by Shah Barkha for MetroMela

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"49" - A Great Time And Royalty Free

Community and educational theaters looking for an inexpensive play that will captivate their audience and stretch their actors skills have a hard time finding plays that can be produced for the entire family. Most of the good ones have been done over and over and it doesn't seem that many new ones have quite the fun-factor family audiences desire.

In 1975, an energetic young actress named Jane VanBoskirk discovered an 80 year-old play by Joaquin Miller. Miller, a poet of the late 19th Century, was designated "The Shakespeare of the Sierras" and wrote much about the gold rush. VanBoskirk scrounged a core of local actors and technicians and on a shoe-string budget produced and directed the smash hit of the Pacific Northwest. Touring the play to over 29 locations over a seven month period in 1976, the play was written up locally as "Beats the Freedom Train", and as the best good time in local theater in decades. Newspaper articles appeared as far away as the London Times where the English have long held Miller in high esteem. The play eventually secured grants from the American Revolution Bicentennial Commission of Oregon, and the Oregon Arts Commission.

Twenty years later, one of the original actors in VanBoskirk's production produced the play as an educational experience for local teens in Vidalia, GA. A minor grassroots arts grant helped fund the production. In addition to being a first acting experience for most of the young actors, it was the first look at American literature from that theatrical period. The most amazing experience was watching the young actors build, paint, create the scene settings, and discover that they could act on a stage with people watching.

The success of the productions is based on a solid script with a melodramatic ending, the inclusion of period music played well by local musicians on guitar, piano, and violin, and foot-stomping dance numbers. Period songs used as olios help set the mood. One line guaranteed to light up the audience is given when the villain is giving advice on winning the hand of the heroine to the young hero. He says, "Woo her, win her, wed her. Wear plenty of perfumery for few women can reason, but all women can smell."

Reviews of the VanBoskirk production were titled "Thar's Gold in this Show" and "Melodramas' Opening Night Beats the Freedom Train". Excerpts include "An assortment of colorful characters complicate the plot. A kindly, broken-down prospector, a total wreck of a drunk, and raucous barmaids had the audience stomping and hissing on opening night." "The cast dishes up a hearty helping of ham-n-corn, but the play is well adapted to this sort of excess. The actors have as much fun as the audience."

To sum it up, if you are needing a great play with loads of potential fun and appreciative audiences, "49" may be that nugget you've been digging for.

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Levon Helm and His Music - Hanging My Hopes on Dirt Farmer

Levon Helm has a new album. How had this monumental announcement managed to slip by me? A mom with kids dealing with all lots of time consuming duties such as myself doesn't have much time to pay attention to which direction the wind might be blowing in the industry. Nothing very interesting has happened in that area in quite a while, so why should I be paying attention? Then, just when I think there is no hope for change I'm blindsided with anticipation over this exciting bit of news.

I have very little time in my day for myself, but when I have a little downtime I find myself drifting towards the radio out of habit more than for any other reason. Too many times my disappointment far outweighs any satisfaction I get from those few moments of rolling the dial back and forth. There are good singers out there that occasionally churn out some catchy lyrics, but somehow most all of these artists just miss the boat when it comes to being real. Levon Helm is what I call real. He can take a mediocre song and make it real. Dirt Farmer, with his daughter Amy, should be a real treat as that apple does not appear to have fallen far from the tree.

Anybody who can listen to him sing The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down and make it through without tears rolling off their chin or without the feeling that their heart's swelling so big that it threatens to cut off their wind just can't be human. I don't see how a rush of just pure feeling could escape anybody from the north or south when they have the privilege of hearing him sing that tune. Songs about such tragedy don't usually bring on feelings of pure joy but it's not the words of this song that are so moving. It's Levon's soul wrenching delivery that has made me play that song as many as ten times in a row back to back.

I've heard it said that Levon's voice is an acquired taste. If that's the case, I was born an addict. I was hooked with the first verse I ever heard him sing. I can't explain the exact effect of his music and I would be at a complete loss to try. It brings me some comfort to know that I'm not the only fan that has trouble defining Levon's unique gift. All the usual terms to describe singers, songs or most any musical piece fail miserably. A mutual friend of ours said he sounded "grouchy" in the most complimentary way. I don't think that grouchy would have been a term that I would have used, but I knew exactly what Frank meant. He was trying to come up with a more original way to say how great Levon makes every piece of music that he chooses to touch and no doubt improve with his magnificent gift.

After an association with the music industry where she worked in the area of artist development and promotion, Jan Bay is now webmaster of Unique Baby Gear Ideas

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Proverbs With Wisdom

Proverbs come from the Latin word proverbium. It is a phrase that has a lot of meaning metaphorically. So if you want to tell somebody do not sit idle else it may work against you, you can say, "empty mind is a devils workshop" which means if you sit idle you will end up thinking and doing evil things.

If a proverb is distinct from others with good phrasing it can be termed as an aphorism. When a proverb is used to describe a rule of conduct, it can be termed as a maxim. Proverbs were generally derived from different cultures and human experience that came from seniors in the society who knew how a situation and how should it be dealt with.

The books of Proverbs from the Bible and Latin language from the medieval times have played a significant role in spreading proverbs. A few proverbs are mentioned below so you have a thorough understanding of these powerful sentences.

-A friend in need is a friend indeed.

This famous Shakespeare's proverb used in his plays meant if a friend helps you out in your time of difficulty then he or she is truly a good friend.

A burnt child dreads fire

When a person comes across an accident it changes the person's attitude, fears, likes and dislikes for life.

-First come, first served

This is a very common proverb. Used by retail outlets, as and when offers are given out. Sometimes even at one's home it may be experienced, as the person who comes in first may get served with a dish and the person coming in later may miss it as it is over.

-As you sow, so shall you reap

This proverb is taught to us in schools where we are taught to think right and reap its benefits. A similar proverb is what goes around, comes around.

Some more include:

-A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

-Between the devil and the deep sea

-Birds of a feather flock together

-A rolling stone gathers no moss

-Every cloud has a silver lining

-Fire is a good servant but a bad master

-All that glitters is not gold.

Just to summarise proverbs are nothing but short sayings or short stories which we have learned in our child hood days just as the nursery rhymes

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Bob Marley Posters - A Legend Revived

The legend of Bob Marley means something different for everyone. While his musical styling will always be remembered in the reggae genre, his music and message were varied and emotional. His songs touched on basic human needs for love, togetherness, equality and peace. But he often sang from the darker of human deeds as well. Slavery, war, and political injustice were all far targets for this musical prophet of Kingston, Jamica.

Even in passing, Bob Marley still continues to reach generations who weren't even born till after his death. His message is universal, timeless and evocative. It still speaks generations later, and will continue to do so decades from now. His albums, cds, artwork and posters continue to spread his message.

One remarkable phenomena is the fascination young people have with the images, photographs and posters of Bob Marley. Posters of his live concerts, and personal life outside the music stage continue to sell and be collected by people of all ages and walks of life. The young especially. It's not unusual to walk into any dorm room from Florida to Alaska, and find images of Bob Marley adorning the walls.

Bob Marley was a devout follower of the Rastafari. It influenced his life, his music, his actions, his beliefs and ultimately his death. While it is common knowledge that the herb he so openly enjoyed was a part of this religious devotion, many don't know that part of the Rastafari belief is that the body must remain whole. Which is why he decided not to have a foot amputated that was stricken with cancer. Ultimately that cancer spread through his body, and took him from us. It seems a harsh injustice, but you have to admire the man for being true to his beliefs.

Could it be his universal messages of love and devotion. His political stance against apartheid and other governmental injustices seem to connect with many people young and old.

Bob Marleys message was important, and it's good to see it still entrenched in the spirit of the young. They are the future, and the message in the music still reaches them. Especially in todays troubled times. Our leader seem to have forgotten the message of one love, that Bob so adamantly echoed through our consciousness years past.

Let's hope the ghost of Bob Marley continues to live on through music, artwork, photographs, t-shirts, and posters. It reminds us all of what it means to be human.

To see more about Bob Marley posters, and help spread the message, please visit, and see some truly brilliant Bob Marley posters.

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The Human Voice is an Incredible and Powerful Instrument for Singers, Public Speakers or Actors

We will be discussing an incredible creation, the Human Voice. During my 26 years of training this incredible gift, I never cease to be amazed at the lack of knowledge of it's most basic functions and how it is often taken for granted or even intentionally or unintentionally abused by misguided vocalists. Let us take a glimpse at this powerful instrument and, hopefully, develop a healthy respect.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The larynx (plural larynges), colloquially known as the voicebox, is an organ in the neck of mammals involved in protection of the trachea and sound production. The larynx houses the vocal folds, and is situated just below where the tract of the pharynx splits into the trachea and the esophagus.

I must first say that I consider the Larynx to be one of the greatest miracles and gifts that mankind has ever been given. Let's pause for a moment and consider life without a larynx. If you could not speak, sing or laugh I think you would agree that your life would change in a major way. We have actually been born with a free instrument. It is more functional and complex than any instrument created by man because it can not only create pitch, but it can also communicate words when used in connection with the parts in the throat and the head that produce diction and tone.

No other instrument can do this. With many people, though, they shy away from singing because many students, in my experience, think they sound poor. This is often because, as in my case, somebody close to them laughed at them when they sang and maybe said they had no talent. Unfortunately with the voice, many people have completely forgot that, like any other instrument, it must be trained to reach its potential.

I agree that there exists many people who sound wonderful without any training. The mistake many of these people make is that they can achieve "exceptional" voices if they would submit themselves to effective training. This is because their basic voice is so far advanced without training. Often times they conclude they have a "natural talent" and " have a perfect voice that does not need training". Another problem these "natural voices" have is the lack of knowledge of how to achieve effective breath control. As I have learned through my many years, humans do not breathe correctly under normal conditions. All of us must learn this basic and vital ability.

For example, if you were learning the clarinet, you would not expect to just be able to play it once you purchased your instrument. That would be ridiculous! Anybody would expect that they would have to take some kind of lessons. One reason we forget this in respect to the voice is that our instrument already works. Since we have used it to communicate, starting with our first scream after being born, we have already developed some level of vocalization and pitch.

Another consideration is that, with the clarinet or any other instrument, if you do not want to play or learn, you can sell your instrument and chose another. With the voice, though, you are stuck with what your have. This is why many people harbor ill feelings about their voice for many years. For many, it is easier to just keep quite than take another chance at being ridiculed for singing poorly. This result is a shame as most people can be trained to sing effectively. To reach our vocal performance goals, we must first be grateful for the gift we have and believe that it can improve with correct information and effort.

Now we can discuss the nuts and bolts of this marvelous creation called the larynx.

The larynx, also known as the voice box, is an organ in the neck of mammals that protects the trachea and is the miracle organ that creates sound production. The larynx houses the vocal cords. It is positioned just below where the tract of the pharynx, the part of your throat you see when you look straight back into your mouth, splits into the trachea (passage to the lungs) and the esophagus (passage to your stomach).

Sound is generated in the larynx. Further, this is where pitch and volume are manipulated. The strength of the airflow from the lungs, generated from the lower abdominal muscles and controlled by the diaphragm, contributes to loudness of overall sound. As this air column passes through the vocal chords, a fundamental sound is produced.

The vocal chords are, then, stretched according to the information received from the brain and a certain pitch is produced. This is information is important weather we are singing or speaking. As I have clearly written about in my book, Singing and Speaking on the Edge of a Grunt, Public Speakers and Actors must perform the same air support and control of any singer. In fact, if a speaker, actor, etc. is to be effective, they must also alter their pitch and volume like any singer.

This connection of similar vocal training for these different vocal disciplines is often not supported. They are seldom considered to be doing the same thing when they perform. But, in my world, they all need to become Vocal Warriors. We are all doing the same thing. We are using our voice to express entertainment and ideas to others. Strategies for vocal development are the same for all. This is an important cornerstone of my teaching philosophy.

After the basic sound vibration exits the vocal cords it is altered as it travels through the vocal tract, eventually exiting the mouth and nose. The changes occur based on the individual construction of your unique body and on the position of the pharynx tongue, lips, and mouth. The process of altering a source sound as it passes through the filter of the vocal tract creates the many different vowel and consonant sounds of the world's languages. Further, this is where comedians, for instance, alter their sound to mimic other people's voices or others create cartoon characters.

The vocal folds can be held close together by adducting the arytenoid cartilages. The muscles attached to the arytenoid cartilages control the degree of opening.

Vocal fold length and tension can be controlled by rocking the thyroid cartilage forward and backward on the cricoid cartilage, and by manipulating the tension of the muscles within the vocal folds. This causes the pitch produced during phonation to rise or fall.

To summarize, these two basic movements exist within the larynx.

1) Bringing the vocal chords together so they vibrate and produce a fundamental vibrating sound when air travels between them.

2) Once the fundamental sound is produced, the vocal chords are stretched (just like tightening a guitar string and the pitch rises) and the pitch changes.

Although there exists more complex muscle movements within the larynx needed to produce sound, these are the most fundamental and easiest to understand. After all, my main goal is for you to understand the fundamental basics of vocal production so you can apply them daily and improve your sound. I am not trying to prepare you for pre-med school!

This information is only the beginning to understand the complexities of how to operate the Human Voice. To become a powerful and accomplished vocalist, you must have a thorough understanding of the Abdominal Muscle Systems, the Larynx, the Resonating Cavities in the Throat and Head and the many facets of Diction that are used to produce the multiple styles of Music or Speaking production.

This information is only the beginning to understand the complexities of how to operate the Human Voice. To become a powerful and accomplished vocalist, you must have a thorough understanding of the Abdominal Muscle Systems, the Larynx, the Resonating Cavities in the Throat and Head and the many facets of Diction that are used to produce the multiple styles of Music or Speaking production. All these subjects are thoroughly discussed in my book, Singing and Speaking on the Edge of a Grunt which can be viewed through the "ebooks" link below.

Thank you for reading. Please visit my web site for more information.

Check out my web site!

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