Monday, August 11, 2008

LP RhythMix 6-pc. Rhythm Kit Set

2 yrs. & up. The amazing variety of great sounding instruments is everything a child needs to create a complete rhythm section! Perfect for a single child or a parade full of children, this great kit includes a handled drum, jingle stick, triangle, tone block, two Chick-itas, two mallets, and a child-sized backpack for convenient storage. Complete with musical activity booklet.

Books and advice on childbirth and childraising are thick on the ground. One whisper of impending pregnancy and the parents-to-be are bombarded with well-meaning words from friends, relatives, complete strangers and expert authors.

Now, its my turn to share three simple opportunities to welcome a baby into your family and shower it with love. Whether you are an experienced parent or new to the job, what I learnt with my three children will not only help your child to develop their abilities and senses, but will help the parent get to know their new baby and deepen the love they already have.

Sing to your baby at every opportunity

It doesn't matter whether you have a good singing voice or not, your baby will love it. Make up nonsense words or turn your activity into a song. This is especially good at changing, bathing and feeding times. Cheer baby up with a happy song and changing/bathing becomes much more enjoyable. Anxieties at being naked and freezing lessen as they learn this wonderful new game that is not only interesting, but gets them the undivided attention of the parent. Touch as you sing about gorgeous little toes and strong arms, silken hair and pudgy tummies. Babies are listening, feeling and learning. Who else in this world will ever pay you so much attention? In another few years, the baby certainly won't, so make the most of it while you can.

Sing a gentle song at feed times to help baby relax. Rock them as you feed and don't be scared to stand up and rock from side to side or slowly waltz around the room. This is relaxing for you both. Lullabies at night time help to send them off to sleep, and the babies will have their favourites so be prepared to learn a few and experiment with modulation and tempo. My eldest child preferred Silent Night. My younger two liked Rock-a-bye Baby sung very slow. This lullaby worked on my middle child until she was three!

Talk to your baby at every opportunity

Remember that baby is used to hearing your voice insitu. Chatting, reading, general conversation and questions invite the baby to respond, even if its only by smiling and making eye contact. Conversation also helps include the baby into the dynamics of family life. Teach your baby valuable skills right from the start simply by including them. This helps both parent and child. The child learns how to handle attention through growing confidence and esteem [established within the safety of the family]. The parent learns to understand how their child thinks and assimilates knowledge. In these early days, be aware of what you're teaching the child - strong values such as kindness and compassion, generosity and inclusion, and be sure to demonstrate them through actions as well.

Dance with your baby at every opportunity

Always my children's favourite part of the day. Turn the stereo on, crank up the volume and swing around the room! My children grew up with an appreciation of various types of music, especially jazz and swing because its fun to listen to when mum is also whirling you around the room. Not only is the parent getting some exercise, the baby is learning rhythm, harmony, coordination, and a sense of space. They are used to lots of movement so keep it up. I've watched young children, from the barely walking to seven or so years of age dance spontaneously to jazz music. Something in the mix is almost irresistible to their innate sense of rhythm and dance.

Nonsense dances to children's action songs like Knees Up Mother Brown will get the heart pumping and assist in coordination - the parents that is, and you'll have your babe giggling and chortling in no time! These type of songs are commonly available on CD, but if you're not sure ask at the local music shop or department store. Music for early childhood is big business!

I didn't pick these tips up from a book or hear them from a well-meaning friend, I discovered them with my first child. The first person ever who couldn't get enough of my singing and listened to every word that fell from my lips. Oh, those were the days! I carried the practise on and I now have three confident girls who love to sing and dance and talk my ear off. They are happy, well-rounded and know that if a great song comes on the radio I am happy to stop everything and sing or dance with them. None of us will ever be professional, but we sure have a lot of fun together.

Trish is a freelance writer, tutor, and mother of three healthy, happy children [and one neurotic, but loving, dog]. Read more of her articles at or contact her at

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Play Guitar with Franz Ferdinand, "Coldplay", "Muse" Etc (Book & CD)

Can you remember the first time you ever saw belly dancing? Oh, I can and with my six year old eyes and mind I knew that this dance would definitely change my life forever. It took me awhile but by my early twenties I was starting on my path towards becoming a belly dancer. As a newcomer, belly dancing took over my days, nights and dreams. Than the day came when it was time to show my community what I had learned. That day was the first encounter I had with a very unusual and interesting foe. There are many of you reading this that will never forget your first performance. And I know there are many of you who can never forget your first encounter with "Stage Fright".

Stage Fright is very clever. It sneaks up on you just before you get on stage or you may wake up on the morning of your performance feeling like you shouldn't get out of bed. It is amazing how Stage Fright affects the body. My bladder turns into the size of a pea but only for that night. My heart is either trying to jump out of my throat or drop to my knees. Than my palms get sweaty and I feel like I need to take a nap all at the same time. And let's not forget the occasional break out. I can remember I was dancing for an anniversary party at a restaurant I use to perform at. I woke up the morning of the performance with this huge bump in the middle of my forehead. It wasn't there the day before and I took extra measures to make sure my skin was clear. You guessed it; Stage Fright had something to do with it. So what did I do? All I can say is thank God for bindis!

Stage Fright overloads the brain with images that really aren't there. The stage can either become larger or smaller depending on what false images Stage Fright creates in your brain. And the number one false image is the unfriendly audience. I have left the stage thinking the audience didn't like me only to find out afterwards that I was well received. I've experienced performances where I was ahead of my music. Did Stage Fright convince my music to slow down on me? Your guess is as good as mine. I know that Stage Fright has convinced my props to act up during past performances. And Stage Fright has convinced my memory to leave and not to come back until I finished my performance. Stage fright will whisper in your ear that the entire theater is watching you and that the audience knows you just messed up your choreography. And there have been a few times when I went deaf and didn't hear the audience applause at all. Actually I should say my hearing and memory went out the window together. And the one way to know if a dancer is experiencing Stage Fright is to see the look on her face that resembles a "deer caught in the headlights". If you see this look, do your best to support her and let her know she's doing a great.

So here are a few tips my friends and I came up with to help dancers overcome such a calculating adversary:

    1. Laugh with friends and think of whatever makes you happy.
    There is no failure in performing because if you don't go out on stage, you will never know what it feels like to be in front of an audience. People will always appreciate your efforts!
    2. Have family and friends in the front row to cheer you on. My Dad makes funny faces and he always makes me laugh.
    3. Know your music like the back of your hand. Even if you forget your choreography the music will be very familiar to you.
    4. Go over your choreography the morning of your performance and try to keep it fresh in your mind. I will usually listen to my music on the drive to wherever I am performing. It helps jazz me up and sometimes I'll come up with some interesting moves in my head. (Be careful of the belly dancer pedal to the metal groove!)
    5. Remember to practice your performance with your costume on. I have danced with a skirt that could fit a whole circus in it. 6. Remember to look in the mirror just before you go on stage and smile at the beautiful dancer looking back at you. (Plus it doesn't hurt to check to see if lipstick is on your teeth!)
    7. The stage really is our friend. Know the length and width of any space you are performing at.
    8. When we perform together we are part of an amazing team so know you have support and back up on the side lines. You are not alone!!
    9. A good meditation or prayer will always put a heart or soul at ease. Group prayer can really give you the boost you need and send Stage Fright running!
    10. Last but not least is Stage Frights final illusion which is the expectation of standing ovations and a movie deal your first time performing. Granted not all of you may have fallen for this but there was a part of me that saw stars, literally and figuratively.

If Stage Fright does creep in every once in awhile just remember to laugh. Some of the best memories I have with performing are my goofiest moments. And when I'm in my rocking chair remembering my dance career I want to be smiling from ear to ear (even if I have no teeth).


Leyla Naj

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Oral Fixation Tour (DVD/CD)

Customer Review: Fantastic
This DVD along with Live and Off the Record are simply fantastic. Shakira is the whole package from the voice of an Angel to a body...well, that's out of this world!! How could you not love this goddess!!!!!
Customer Review: Bought it for the price. Ended up liking it.
It was available for less than fifteen so I picked it up. I liked Shakira's first major Spanish album before her international success. I hadn't really listened to her newer stuff. When I put it in I was pleasantly surprised. The visuals are great and the sound is even better. To be honest I do skip a few songs whenever I watch it but I still consider it a good purchase for the price.

Have you ever wanted to do something excitingly challenging to you, while knowing it's good for you and won't require lots of boring work from you. Then, that something is clog dancing, also called clogging. You can do it solo, with a partner, or within a group. All three ways are fun, fun, fun. Also, if you join an organized clogging group, you'll find yourself having a new set friends while becoming more acceptable to yourself and your peers. Since clogging groups are special in their own way, you will be, too.

What is clogging?

Several sources describe the American form of clogging as hillbilly-tapping or foot-stomping folk dancing, where the dancer makes musically synchronized sounds with his/her feet. In the past, it was done to mountain and bluegrass music with high-kicking leg movements combined with foot shuffling, stomping, and tapping. Nowadays, it's done to many kinds of music the same way. Kids and teenagers generally do it at high speed, faster and more precise than adults.

Where did clogging come from?

Clogging dates back to the 16th-Century-or-prior European folk dances and jigs. It's been traced to the dances done by the Scotch-Irish steppers, Dutch cloggers (done in wooden shoes or in soft shoes having wooden soles), Euro-Russian gypsies, and English-French-German folk-dancers. In this continent, it evolved into its own early style through the immigrants who settled in Canada, the Appalachian Mountains, and the hill regions of the South. Among all the early settlers who liked to stomp and dance were the Native Americans, frontiersmen, African Americans, cowboys, farmers, ranchers, and the backwoods, hill-abiding, and small-town folks. All of these regional sects have influenced the clogging styles in one way or another at one time or another. Today, it's being shaped further through contemporary clogging groups, and through the various kinds of modern music in addition to the traditional ones.

How is clogging taught or done?

Generally, clogging is learned in groups under an instructor who carefully teaches its terminology and step-routines, and who makes sure it's done to the time of the music. However, if no such group is nearby, instructional videos and DVD's can be found in a few dance shops and on the Internet.

Briefly, the basic clog step is a double-toe tap done with one of your feet, followed by stepping on the balls of each foot. First, starting with your left foot, brush your toe forward and then backward, tap-tap, and then step on the same foot (ball). Immediately following that left tap-tap-ball movement, step onto your right ball, and then step back onto your left one, once more. That's it, the basic step, left-toe-tap-forward, left-toe-tap-backward, left-step-ball, right-step-ball, left-step-ball.

Now, repeat this step movement starting with your right foot, and then again with your left one, alternately. Once you have learned to repeat this step continuously in a light-footed manner, you will be able to do the slight variations it easily. As your balance and knee-bending capabilities increase, you'll move into longer and slightly varied routines based on these steps. Additionally, you'll be able to do them solo, with a partner, or within a group as in line dancing or as a team. You can also develop your own solo freestyle routines.

Note: the initial double-toe tap of the basic step can also be done as a heel-toe tap as it's sometimes done in certain parts of the country. The basic movement is same as above, except the initial toe-tap is replaced with a heel-tap, as heel-tap-forward, toe-tap-backward, step-ball, step-ball, step-ball and so forth.

Where is it done?

Clogging can be learned or done anywhere, out in the country, or in the villages, towns, and cities, usually on a fairly hard surface. Today, organized clogging is done mostly within local clogging groups under the leaderships of certified instructors. These groups meet and practice in schools, gymnasiums, churches, civic centers, ballrooms, garages, or homes large enough to accommodate them. Membership includes all ages and types, both adults and youngsters. These groups often have members who compete regularly at regional clogging events in addition to their having leisurely in-group fun. Many of the competitive dancers are young people, who can learn it easily, and do it fast.

Because these groups are generally nonprofit and semi-private, only a few of them are listed in the yellow pages. Still, clogging groups exist everywhere in North America, similar to the way square-dance clubs do. If you have a square-dance club nearby, chances are they can point you toward a clogging group. Some clogging groups can also be found on the Internet.

Additionally, in the regions where clogging has been done routinely for decades, the local cloggers might get together spontaneously without much organization. These cloggers will show up at local parks, community events, or county fairs, where small portable wooden clogging floors and recorded music are available to them and anyone else who wants to try it. A fiddler, guitarist, or banjo player might show up there, too.

How is clogging organized?

Modern clogging groups are organized under nonprofit federations. That is, each group operates under its own bylaws and the general provisions of a state board or council. The state board or council might sponsor annual workshops for the local chartered groups to attend. Such workshops offer expert clogging instruction, demonstrations, competitions, and entertainment, like, performances, games, or parties of sorts. They'll also provide displays of recent music, cue sheets, equipment sources, and other clogging information.

What does it cost?

Generally, group members pay annual dues to keep the group solvent, about $20-50. The dues cover the cost of rental space, member insurance, and a newsletter. For guest beginners, the only cost is for the instruction, $10-50, for about 10 weeks of classes, one-to-two nights a week. If you decide to go further into clogging after graduating, you'll need leather clogging shoes with "jingle" (double-action) taps attached to them, $35-70. The dues and shoes are the main costs. Normally, the dress codes are casual, T-shirts and jeans or shorts, for weekly lessons or practice sessions. You won't need special clothing unless you decide to perform competitively with the group, or to perform with them entertainingly for local charities, senior centers, conventions, and festivals. Even so, the outfits often are homemade.

What else?

Clogging groups are family friendly and socially fun. Because children are included in them, these groups maintain high behavior standards for its membership. They hold many get-togethers, potlucks, holiday parties, and fun times for everyone. Yet, some groups are setup for the grownups or for youth only. This condition occurs for the older grownups whose kids have left home, or for the youth who travel frequently to many competitions. Still other groups might be subdivided into both grownups and youth for training purposes. This kind of organization means participation of some kind of is available to almost everyone there. So, if you are looking for a clean, fun way to burn off your energy, and to gain some of it back with other benefits at the same time, try clog dancing. Your fancy footwork will glide you gracefully over the floor, faster and more uniquely than most folks can.


1. The National Clogging Organization, Inc. (C.L.O.G.) Copyright 2003,

2. Clog Dancing. Where Cloggers Come Together. Copyright 2007,

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Every industry is affected by the restraints of music copyright laws and the wedding industry is no exception. With the increase in enforcement of those that commit copyright infringement, wedding professionals including wedding videographers, wedding planners and anyone else choosing or using wedding music in their projects are not exempt from paying large fees for all wedding video music, music for wedding videos and any other music they need.

The ease of downloading all types of music, and particularly wedding music via the internet and through both illegal and legal file sharing programs has gone up exponentially as the availability of such programs has increased. Because of the increased availability of copyright protected music, large music providers such as BMI and ASCAP have begun to prosecute in cases where people have not paid appropriately for use of the wedding video music, background music and production music that professionals and other individuals use in their projects.

While it is impossible for large companies to prosecute all violators of copyright laws, many wedding video companies, both large and small have already found themselves paying exorbitant fees that total well over the amount they would have paid had they legally purchased the wedding music in the first place just to settle copyright infringement issues. Just because a video is not intended for public viewing does not make it non-infringing to use popular music as a background music or production music, and public performance is one of the reserved rights of the copyright owners.

Wedding professionals and videographers have a tall order to fill. Not only are they responsible for filming the ceremony, reception and all other aspects of the wedding day, but also they are responsible either for choosing music that compliments the spirit of the day, the couples personalities and the high quality of the video through an appropriate and rich soundtrack of background music and production music. Weddings today vary much more than they used to; more couples are seeking wedding music and wedding video music that strays from the traditional and ranges from contemporary to cutting edge and progressive.

Regardless of the couples preferences, wedding professionals must either choose fully representative wedding video music themselves from the huge amount available, or buy the rights to the music the couple asks for from a music provider. Unfortunately, the cost of paying royalties to large companies in order to use both traditional and contemporary original wedding music in videos, ceremonies and at receptions is extremely expensive. Wedding videographers and other individuals that handle many ceremonies, receptions and projects per month might expect to pay thousands of dollars per month in order to legally use popular wedding video music, music for wedding ceremonies and all other types of wedding music.

And because every client is different and has different musical tastes, these professionals must make sure they have a very large and comprehensive library of wedding music to choose from to make every project unique and make sure it accurately captures the spirit of the big day and the personality of the married couple. Not every wedding videographer and professional, and particularly those for whom weddings are only a small part of their total business plan, can afford to exorbitant royalty fees associated with wedding music and satisfying copyright laws.

So what is the answer for wedding videographers that wish to both avoid copyright infringement and provide high quality and original wedding video music that does not take a huge chunk out of their limited budget? Many wedding professionals avoid the use of buyout music and royalty free music because they find often it does not offer the best quality background music and production music to fulfill their complex needs and satisfy their discriminating tastes. Although it is very inexpensive, buying the wrong royalty free music for wedding videos can destroy a wedding video, ceremony or reception for the couple and family, and the memories can be lost forever. However, comprehensive and rich pieces of royalty free wedding music do exist.

Wedding videographers will find selections of royalty free music and wedding video music that can be seamlessly integrated as background music and production music, and represents every musical genre, from traditional styles such as classical to more progressive and contemporary styles like light rock, jazz and even Hip Hop, techno and dance music. The royalty free wedding music and music for wedding videos in this large library will express the unique personalities of every couple and preserve the memory of their special day for years to come. And because all tracks are royalty free music, clients will pay a one-time very low fee for unlimited use of the wedding music, allowing them to increase their library regularly and offer a larger selection to their clients.

Royalty free wedding music will become important as copyright infringement laws get stricter and more wedding professionals have to adjust the music they use to fit their budgets. Companies such as provide beautifully-crafted and performed royalty free music that will make excellent production music and background music for every type of wedding video, ceremony and reception. All the selections are performed by the best musicians in the industry that have worked with and performed with important figures in the classical music world, and with Grammy Award winning pop, rock and jazz recording artists that produce music heard throughout the world.

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Salsa And Afro Cuban Montunos For Piano is an extremely informative 100 page book containing over 400 musical examples showing you how to play in these aforementioned Latin styles. Mr. Campos who teaches a course in Latin piano styles at the Berklee School Of Music originates from Lima Peru and has studied Latin music for over 20 years. This book contains great study material for learning the various techniques and rhythms used in playing Latin piano styles. It can be used as a source to practice reading syncopated rhythms. A CD of Latin percussion rhythm tracks to play along with accompanies the book.
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I am a full time musician. I am currently studying the materal in this book..Right on the money for learning how to play this style !
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As a professional musician seeking to broaden the scope of what I play this book was just the ticket. Very sensibly laid out, easy to follow and some great Montunos to get you underway. A practical useable book and great with the CD to play along with. / Music
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Step shows can be found nearly everywhere in the United States. Once exclusively performed by African American Greek fraternities and sororities who originally helped to develop the popularity of the step shows, these shows are spreading across the country and around the world. More and more people are becoming involved in stepping from campus organizations and church groups to high schools and local communities.

The international Greek lettered fraternities and sororities under the umbrella organization for nine historically Black, the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) is an international Greek lettered group. . The Greek-lettered societies which are referred to collectively as the "Divine Nine", each evolved as organizations during a period when African-Americans were being denied essential rights and privileges afforded other college students.

Some Greek organizations help to coordinate step competitions in middle and high schools, affording the younger generations an opportunity to experience what stepping is all about. While many of the step show organizations and competitions follow in the footsteps of the African American Greek organizations, they also help preserve and promote their cultural history as well as promote the importance of making a difference in their communities. A portion of proceeds from the step shows sometimes goes to build scholarship funds or used to help the communities. This form of dance give much more than entertainment to the people involved. It also gives them the chance to help out in any way they can.

Historically Black Colleges and Universities or HBCU are educational institutions in the United States that were established before 1964 with the intention of serving the African American community.

The Greek-lettered societies include:

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.

Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.

Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc.

In the late 1960s, historically Black fraternities and sororities began embracing stepping at college campuses. Previously using step shows as a rite of passage for pledges, the Black Greek letter system has a strong role in the college step scene. There are often specific steps to each chapter and sometimes the groups playfully mock each other's styles during competitions and benefits. Each society or fraternity has its own step team. Stepping in these organizations provides an enjoyable bonding experience.

Members of step teams practice the routine twice a week, which is coordinated by a trainer. Pulling steps from past experience by members enables teams to mesh together an assortment of steps to keep audiences interested. Members are encouraged to make up their own steps and give suggestions about what works and what does not.

Many people may be discouraged at the sight of a step routine. However, working up from the basics is a good way for people to see that more complex steps are just combinations of simpler things with some crossover. The existence of "rhythm" can be learned over time if it is not immediately integrated. Step Team members enjoy the physical and often aerobic work out.

The All State HBCU Showdown is one of many national stepping competitions that elevates this hundred year tradition of stepping, a complex performance involving synchronized, percussive movement, singing, speaking, chanting, dancing and drama, to the next level. is a free video sharing community website that features step team performances. Members can post and share video footage of their stepteam performances. Visit to learn more about the tradition of stepping.

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This poster is 24 inches by 36 inches approximately and is in mint condition.

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Research - The Department of Music Anthropology/UTA
... salsa, merengue, reggae, calypso and bachata are indication of diversity and ... The players feel tacitly their instruments as well as features of musical style. ...

Havana Good Time in London, UK, November, 2005 - Concert Reviews ...
... in late autumn, London is happily dancing to the sounds of Latin music , and ... artists and transportation for the instruments in each community and including ...

Salsa Midi Files
... home of th best Salsa midi files, latin Music and MIDI sheet music . ... and Sheet Music for all instruments . FREE "Using FTP to dowload Files" click for details ...

World Music Series - Caribbean Album at
Latin bachata reggaeton with brass and violin melody. Reggae/Reggaeton/Ska Reggaeton ... sound effects, loops, instrument sounds, ringtones and much ...

Various Artists - Cantors In Yiddish Music CDs
50 Anos De Bachata . 50 Cool Celtic Songs. 50 Rancheras Inmortales ... Blowers From The Balkans: Classic Historic Recordings Of Wind Instruments . Blue Bedouin ...

Classical Music Albums (0) Classical Music Albums (1) Classical Music Albums (2) ... More: Time Period What's New Instruments Price Release Date ...[0]=browse_genre&browse_genre=International

Alex Alvear - Equatorial (Album Review)
This is a review of Alex Alvear - Equatorial at The Music Box - an online music magazine featuring music news, tour info, concert reviews, album reviews, and interviews.

Brazilian Music Blogs, Pictures, and more on WordPress
Tags: reggae, African Music , kfai, Global Beat, Internet Radio, radio, Salsa, bachata , funk ... Tags: instruments , Music , drum, samba, pandeiro, tambourine, ...

Royalty Free Music for Film, TV, Video, DVD and Websites
A latin bachata reggaeton with guitars and brass and an electronica feel. Price: $24.95 ... Traditional instruments and groove from South America. Price: $24.95 ...

latin music com

A Taste of Salsa, Volume I

In Volume I, Lisa and Andres present the steps and turns at a pace you can keep up with. They share the "how to's" and "how not to's" for proper lead and follow technique and detail the connecting pieces that are too often left out. In addition, equal attention is paid to both the leads and follows so that you become a dynamic couple and a solid individual dancer. As a result, your Salsa steps will feel more natural and your confidence will grow. This is just the thing for a non-dancer ready to take on their burning dancing desire!

In this volume, the following steps are introduced: Basic step Hand positions - Palms Up and Palms Down Body positions - Open and Closed Side to side step Swing step Transitioning between the positions and variations Combining variations Basic turn combination. Numerous practice combinations

With a bit of practice, you will soon become a Salsero.

Instruction for all volumes in the A Taste of Salsa series is given in both English and Spanish.

The next tape in the series, Volume II, introduces more advanced turning combinations, new ways of moving across the floor and focuses more on styling.
Customer Review: Great basics
If you are a novice and looking to learn in a correct and structured way, these videos (Vol I & II) are very sound and easy to understand. The videos are introductory, so if you already know the basics, perhaps they are not for you. Don't pay attention to the criticism of those who weren't smart enough to read the description and look for more information about the videos from the internet or the instructors' website. The videos are clearly labeled basic. That's why they are titled "A Taste of...." I gave it four stars because even though the intent is to make the tapes universal by making them bilingual, it does tend to slow the lessons a bit. Why not use subtitles for the alternate language?
Customer Review: Save your money!
This has got to be one of the worst Salsa instructional videos I have purchased to date. For the price you get very little. It is repetative and annoying. You only learn 3 steps. I would definately not recommend this video to a beginner.

eBay: 2003 Of A Kind - 3 of a Kind CD 2003, 2003 Mayday Live Tour ...
... Ano De Exitos: Bachatas Y Merengues -... 139134. 2004 ... 2006 Radio Ballads: Horn Of The Hunter (CD... 139168. 2006 Live (+1 Bonus Track) - Royal Hunt (C...

The musicians who played at bachatas were usually local, friends an neighbors of ... received airplay on FM radio stations in the country's capital Santo Domingo, or ...

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Just Added. Manu Chao. en Vivo Radio Popolare. Elis Regina and Antonio Carlos Jobin ... 30 Bachatas Pegaditas cd1. Popular Albums. Maximo Park. Our Earthly ...

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emisoras de radio dominicanas. 13. sabor dominicano. 74. merengues. 253. sabordominicano ... las mejores bachatas . 12. Note: The demo is limited to the top 10 ...

Ticias " Blog Archive " Los raperos SFDK sacan su tercer disco titulado ...
... primer sencillo que ya se escucha en la radio desde hace tres semanas y que ha ... Sonya Cortés presentó ayer su tercer disco de bachatas titulado " ... : Story : "Four holy days and a bus ride", by Amanda Hefner
... the radio in every form of transporte pblico, it's traveling down the ... upbeat, cheery merengues to slightly slower bachatas , to the grungier regatn. ...

ENLADISCO.COM - Tus temas y grupos musicales mas preferidas ... Bachatas . Baladas En Ingles. Reggaeton. Criollas. Dance. Electrnica. Folk. Folklore. Hip Hop ...

Radio Ga Ga: the bizarre beauty contest hitting the airwaves ... Views: 5,247. Tags: Bachatas Latina Msica Dominicana Tropical ...

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maMOB: Polyphonic Ringtones.Ringtones - Games - Logos for mobiles - Give a new ... 30 Bachatas Pegaditas : Lo Nuev.. - Introduction - On The Radio . Ringtones ...

Leone Di Lernia (Comedy) Salut'm a sord - Ti si mangiate la banana ...
Leone Di Lernia (Comedy) Salut'm a sord - Ti si mangiate la banana - Voglio fare tanti ... Radio bru bru. 160. 4:59. 5.71 ... 30 Bachatas Pegaditas ...

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