Sunday, August 3, 2008

Coldplay: Look at the Stars

Author and musician Phil O'Brien explores the ascension of one of the most popular and acclaimed new rock bands. She tells the story of their rocky rise, looks at the effect of fame on the band, especially on lead singer Chris Martin, and delves into the complex emotions of their music. It's all here — Martin's relationship with actress Gwyneth Paltrow, the endless gossip, the extraordinary commercial highs (their second album, A Rush of Blood to the Head, was the number-one album in 12 countries within a week of release), and the emotional lows of life on the road. Coldplay describes all of the band's activities to date and contains over 40 black and white photos, offering a timely appraisal of its future — rock superstardom on a par with that of long-running internationally renowned bands such as Oasis and U2.

Customer Review: Coldplay rocks!
I borrowed this book from a friend and I'm buying my own copy after reading about what is the complex group of individuals known as Coldplay. I was very perturbed at the few mentions of how much Chris Martin was teased as a kid because people believed he was gay (so what if it was the case, which it isn't?) and how critics continue to put down the most original group that has graced music in about a decade. I'm also a bit tired of hearing the wisecracks about Martin's looks (I think the man is cute and very charming, along with the rest of Coldplay). The first Coldplay song I heard on the radio was "Clocks" (from "A Rush of Blood to the Head") and I, at first, thought it was a new U2 single (not realizing, until I read this book, that Coldplay idolizes U2). I was hooked from then on. I recently sat down and listened to the entire "X&Y" album again and appreciate their songwriting and vocal abilities more than ever. The group is a welcomed breath of fresh air in this day and age of corporate "music" (undertalented and overexposed starlets doubling as singers, rappers rapping over drum machines calling women every derogatory name in the book and videos being nothing more than glorified porno film shorts). Phil O'Brien exposed Coldplay for what they really are: A complex group of individuals who value their art and their talent is appreciated (screw the naysayers!).
Customer Review: I wish I could give it even more stars
I'm a little old for a Coldplay fan (53), but I "discovered" them when I watched them play at Live8 in July 2005. Chris Martin is far from "boring" as this book attests. He's interesting, smart, funny, complex, deep and - yes - a nice guy who can get in touch with his feelings and express them beautifully in his wonderful songs. I was already a fan of Chris' wife, Gwyneth Paltrow, and was glad to see that the book dealt with the relationship. It made me dislike the "STALKerazzi" even more. Vultures! The book really told me a lot that I was dying to know about the band, especially their charismatic frontman. I highly recommend it.

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Do you remember what Napster used to be? Unlimited Free Download Sites are very similar to the old Napster only much, much better. A really good unlimited free download site scans all of the files on their databases for viruses, trojan horses and other malicious baddies. They should never ever bombard you with adware or spyware. They should be between 250x to 300x faster than Kazaa in download speeds.

While trying to navigate through what could amount to a million files of music/mp3's, PC games, video games for Playstation 1,2, & 3, Game Boy, PSP, Nintendo Gamecube, DS, Wii, Xbox, Xbox 360, iPods, Zune, etc., Movies including all of the categories like drama, westerns, romance, sci fi, fantasy, sports, comedy, adventure, horror, thrillers, suspense, etc., old black and white movies and new releases, TV shows, TV series, music video's including rock, jazz, hip hop, alternative, rap, classical, country, christian, pop, techno, operas, easy listening, etc., plus music in different languages, tons of assorted software, concerts, and lots more. It could easily become overwhelming and complicated to some.

An unlimited free download site worth it's salt will have an easy-to-use members area with step-by-step manuals and/or videos that will take you by the hand and show you how to download all of music, movies, games & more. They will show you step-by-step how to rip and burn or back-up cd's and dvd's. Lastly, a good unlimited free download site will have all of the tools that are needed to perform all of the jobs I just mentioned and more plus have technical support available 24/7 to answer your questions.

Meet These 5 Criteria Or Else!

Here is a list of five criteria that all unlimited free downloads site should strive to meet.

1) What's This Going To Cost You? - There are two different "fee" systems out there with different variations for each one. There is the pay-per-download system where you would pay a separate charge for each and every mp3, movie or game file that you download and then there is the unlimited downloads membership site system. I believe that you get more bang-for-your-buck by joining an unlimited free downloads site. Most of the unlimited downloads sites offer different lengths of time for your membership. By far, the best deal is the lifetime membership which includes everything that the site has to offer without paying any extra fees. By everything I mean that many of the unlimited downloads membership sites give you as part of your membership the software that is needed to "rip & burn" your own cd's and dvd's.

You will also find that if you join a music site for instance, not only will you be able to download unlimited mp3's for your mp3 player or iPod, but the sites library will also include movies, games, software, eBooks and more products for you too download. Even though many of the membership sites offer a cornucopia of products to download, just remember that if you are mainly interested in movies, than join a movie site because although they have other products for you to download, their emphasis will be on movies.

2) A Wide Enough Variety To Appeal To Everybody - People have different tastes in there movies, music and games. The movies downloads sites should have a good selection from all or most of the movie genres such as drama, suspense, romance, comedy, horror, science fiction and fantasy, etc. They should also have movie selections covering the past (the old black and white movies) and the present (the newest blockbuster releases) and everything in between.

Music downloads or mp3 downloads sites should have selections covering all or most of the wide array of music categories and sub-categories out there today such as jazz, rock and roll, r&b, soul, hip hop, opera, classical, big band, rap, etc., plus carry music selections from the early days until today.

The games downloads sites should offer downloads from all or most of the different games categories such as strategy, roll playing, action, puzzle, educational, sports, etc. They should offer games selections for the different platforms available such as PC, Mac, Playstation, Nintendo, and Microsoft etc. plus carry games for the different game platform models such as Playstations 1, 2, 3 and PSP Gamecube, Gameboy, Gameboy DS and Wii, xBox and xBox 360, Zune, etc.

3) How in The World Does This Thing Work! - Ease of use is very important because there is nothing more frustrating than paying for something only to find out that not only is it too darned difficult to figure out, it makes you feel like an idiot, and that fun rush you just had anticipating playing with your new toy just came crashing to Earth because some nerdo wiz kid made a program too complicated for even Albert (freaking) Einstein to use and the instructions are in some unknown dialect. The members area should provide you all the tools you need to start downloading as many games, mp3s, videos and dvd quality movies as you can handle. The download sites need to be easy for you to use and had to have "How To Manuals" that are well written and easy for a complete novice to understand. They should have manuals to teach you how to create and mix your own cds, rip and burn your own cd and dvds, and other tasks.

4) Can't This Darned Thing Download Any Faster! - When it comes to computers, the saying "Speed Kills" has a completely opposite meaning. It means, "If this damned machine doesn't move any faster, I'm going to kill something." With that said, it is of paramount importance that your downloads site have the capability to download your mp3s, movies, games and software files at "Warp Speed", and while a lot of programs boast about how fast they are, we found that many of the companies failed to live up to their boasting.
If you have ever visited an unlimited free downloads site you may have noticed the site bragging about their lightning fast download speed of 250x. The 250x means that their download speeds are 250 times faster than the speed it would take to download a file at Kazaa.

Why Kazaa is always used as the comparison is because they always set the standard for the fastest downloads. Unlimited free download sites should meet the requirements for download speed which is at least 250x to 300x, but remember that their speed is only half of the equation. Your upload speed is just as important so if you are only connected to the Internet by way of a 56K modem, then don't kill the messenger. One last word of advice. It doesn't matter if you are using the fastest broadband connection on the planet. If you are going to download movies for your dvd collection, do it at night before you go to bed. Because of the amount of data (grahical and audio) it is going to take a very long time for your downloads. Load up your download before bed and when you wake up the only thing you will have to wait for is your popcorn.

5) "Is There Anybody Out There?" - Although I don't have a ton of verbiage for this criteria, it is probably the most important of the five. There is nothing that aggravates me more than getting little or no support when I run into a problem or have an important technical question about a product I just purchased. If you are going to be there to take my money, then you had better be there when I need assistance. The best companies offer great customer support 24/7 or as close to that as possible and have qualified technicians there to help you.

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Much of the final episode of Gossip Girl revolves around the wedding of Lily and Bert, so understandably there is a lot of classical music used in the scenes. But, there is enough room to squeeze in a few pop songs and the choices aren't all that bad. Some of the groups already have a lot of exposure, but one or two of the selections feature new sounds.

Before the wedding begins Blair and Dan scheme to expose Georgina and her lies to her parents, when they all meet in the park Do You Wanna by The Kooks plays along as Georgina learns about her future home. Beautiful World by Carolina Liar plays in the background as Serena desperately tries to get in contact with Dan and then leaves a message that she is coming over. This same song is played again at Lily and Bart's wedding as well as a lot of classical selection and other songs that add to the festive mood.

As family and friends are arriving for the wedding and the place is buzzing with pre wedding preparations, Time To Pretend by MGMT drives the action. After a classical piece, Bridal Chorus by Wagner begins to play. This necessary song is followed by two more classical pieces that play through the wedding reception and then through Blair and Vanessa's conversation about Nate.

The final song of the episode was the very appropriate, The Ice is Getting Thinner by Death Cab For Cutie. This song plays through the entire ending of the wedding including, while Chuck is making his best man speech at the wedding, when Blair and Chuck kiss, and as Serena and Dan are forced to dance after they have just broken up. Do You Wanna by The Kooks returns for the closing montage and the end of the season.

By Sophia / You have full permission to reprint this article provided this box is kept unchanged.

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Canciones De Mi Padre: A Romatic Evening In Old Mexico

Customer Review: conciones de mi padre
Love this DVD.I have 3 copies,2 in DVD, 1 in vhs. I also have all her Spanish CD's. She has such a beautiful voice.
Customer Review: I love it
I was really young when this came out, but I adored it. My father bought the soundtrack, and I watched it everytime it came on WTTW. My mom made a costume for me that was practically identical to the one Linda Ronstadt wore during "Y Andale." It made me want to learn more about my culture. I still love this concert, and now my son watches it with me.

If you have dreams of performing in the Winchester theatre royal, you have to consider that acting classes aren't cheap, and sometimes you even have to pay a hefty sum for being in a showcase, without any guarantee of getting an agent. Make sure you have enough money set aside for your acting needs.

Dance classes can also be additional training, though acting is what you will need most. Audition for school plays and community theatre for the experience!

I think they both have their merits, and they're both just so extraordinarily different with entirely different energies. For people who have never done theater, it's a difficult thing, because you have to be focused for an hour-and-a-half to two hours, whereas in film, if you shoot more than a page-and-a-half all at once, that's a pretty long scene. Then again, some people just learn things differently than others. Use whatever method best serves you.

By contrast, when you project a facade that differs from what you think and who you really are inside, others sense the disparity. When your speaking and who you are being don't match, it keeps you from being heard and decreases your personal effectiveness. It's time to imagine a different world. When doing a scene, if I say I'm at a restaurant, every single audience member could have a different image of where that scene takes place. One person might think fast food while another thinks fine dining.

For those looking for a job in acting, finding a talent agent is important. But, technology gives us a chance to create what we want instead of waiting for a call. Many people have found agents after they got their first gig. If a casting director really likes you and thinks you have the right look they will call you in for an audition. Actors, for instance, audition with directors and casting agents, hoping to show that they can play the role for which they're auditioning. Musicians hand out tapes and CDs of their music to convince nightclub and theater owners to book them for gigs.

The Winchester theatre royal and Army museums two fantastic sites to visit.

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If you look all over the internet you will find that many sites offer free sheet music for just about every instrument. When looking for sheet music especially piano sheet music there are many different genres to choose from and this makes finding the music much easier. As the turn of the century arrived piano sheet music became very popular among young adults, many people were playing the piano and parlor music became the new trend to sweep the country, this made sheet music very popular. So much so, that every home had a piano and more often than not at least one member of the family could play it.

Sometimes it is hard to read sheet music, this is not because it is hard in general it just takes practice, the more you practice reading the sheet music the better you will becomes at it. When learning any instrument and you want to learn like a pro you need to learn the sheet music, understand it and process it.

Music directors and other musicians use sheet music for different songs and it covers many different vocal ranges and instruments. It will only teach you how to play songs and compositions by rote. Nonetheless, not everyone is blessed with the ability to play songs by ear. Musicians back then publish their songs in these unbound sheets of paper. Going back to the 19th century most of the songs in the USA became popular by sheet music. In the past not all songs were written down so most of the popular might have been lost.

If you are looking to improve your musical talents a create resource is the internet, you can download free sheet music and this will benefit you in many ways because it allows you to play other pieces of music. Musicians that are struggling musicians find it much easier to find sheet music, most of the time they can download it from the internet for free. Today, sheet music is found on many music sites on the Internet with some giving an option of free downloads.

The Internet has brought forth many resources for musicians, from one-click access to research of songs, pieces and bands, to easy access to catalogues full of thousands of instruments and other products that can be ordered and shipped directly to them with a few simple clicks. As pieces of music get complicated for the person playing it the notation of the music becomes more complicated and the difficulty to the compose the music becomes harder, because of all this you will learn how to write the music as you go along. There are literally thousands, if not millions of musical pieces for violinists to play.

To have a good grasp of the notes for a guitar a good suggestion is that you learn them slowly and with concentration. Most violin music is written in the middle C so when producing notes they are written on the treble clef. When you learn a piece of music with traditional sheet music you are not just learning the notes you are also learning another language.

David Marc Fishman is the owner of Bornasuperstar site. The online auditions for dancers. Learn the secret of success.

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Speed of Sound

So you love music and you want to be a DJ. Well before
taking the plunge there are some things you need to
know about how to become a DJ.

Since there is no such thing as a DJ school to teach
you the steps one of the first things you need to know
is that you need to be original and if possible new in
your talent and technique. Talk to other DJ's if you can
and find out how they broke into the business and get
some tips from them. See if they will take you on as an
apprentice so that you can learn.

A person that aspires to be a disk jockey needs to have
a lot a charisma because other than the music a really
good DJ that has appeal is what draws the crowds. So
develop a character personality that attracts crowds.
You need to know when to tune it down as well so that
you do not overpower and lose that attention.

As a DJ you have to be knowledgeable in all genre of
music, just knowing a few hit songs here and there won't
cut it. So you need to make sure to brush up on your musical
intellect by learning about all types of music. The way to
learn the music it is to listen to it...even if it is not
what you personally enjoy, a DJ has to know and have a
lot of music.

Now, you need to realize that being knowledgeable in all
music doesn't mean that you will play all music. You
will need to develop your own style as well. You need
to work on a certain niche of music lovers and be able
to entertain with the right music, whether it be rock, rap,
soul or house music.

You need to have good quality music, so if you are downloading
it from the Internet, make sure that you are using legal sites
to get it from so that you are getting the best quality.

Plan on either renting or possibly borrowing the equipment that
you will need until you are comfortable with being a DJ. The
last thing you want to do is spend a lot of money on expensive
equipment and then find you don't enjoy it as much as you thought you would.
Then ask some friends if you can DJ a party of two for them
for free so you can get your feet wet and see how the crowd

An important key you need to remember is that you should
base the music you play on the crowd that you are entertaining.
In other words, don't play rap for a group of elderly
people and don't place bluegrass for a bunch of rockers or rappers.

Learning how to DJ can be a lot hard work as well as fun.
So get out there and make your way in the world of music
and don't forget to have fun while you're at it.

Top DJs don't just play the music they become the dance floor, when they move the crowd moves few other professions in the world can make you feel that you want it... get the help you need at

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Kids tend to find singing very amusing and never miss a chance to show off their singing talent. For some kids, the desire to sing does not wear off by getting older. In some cases, it grows even stronger and it becomes a passion they wish to pursue as adults. In this case, singing becomes a bit more challenging. It's one thing to make singing mistakes as a kid and quite different to become embarrassed in a karaoke contest. In fact, many people give up singing as adults, simply because they are afraid of the harsh criticism they may get.

If you can identify with the above situation, you'll certainly be glad to know that you can, in fact, learn how to sing properly, every time. Sure, good genes are factor if you want to become a star, but anyone can learn how to sing impressively well if they devote the time and energy required to master the technique. Hence, the most important step you need to take, is to decide if you are really determined to learn how to sing and everything else will follow with studying and practice.

You will have noticed that the word "studying" was mentioned in the above paragraph, along with practice. You see, in order to sing properly, you definitely need to learn some of the principles of voice production. Singing is a highly physical activity and professional singers know that. That's why they seem to be singing with their entire body rather than just their vocal chords. Pro singers can manipulate three types of singing voices, which are usually common to all people. The chest voice, the middle voice and the head voice.

The chest voice is the voice you use when you speak. With this voice, you can create a rich, full-bodies sound. The head voice is usually used for higher pitched notes, most frequently by female vocal artists. The middle voice acts somewhat like a bridge between the chest voice and the head voice. You can think of these different singing voices as the ABC of singing. Only after you've studied and learned your ABC does it make sense to practice. And if you practice with some solid guidelines in mind, be sure that you can learn how to sing correctly, every time!

Did you know that you can learn how to sing without even leaving home? Click the link for more info.

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The exclusive Dynamic Immersion method reinforces your natural language-learning skills with award-winning instructional technology. Identify your learning goals, then choose customized courses that take you there.

The complete immersion environment puts your native language-learning skills to work, eliminating your dependence on tedious translation and rote memorization.

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Customer Review: Rosetta Stone V3-Spanish (Latin America) Level 1,2,3
I purchased this for my college-aged daughter so that she could become proficient in Spanish. This has given her the practice she needs that the classroom (high school) did not.
Customer Review: Great Addition to School Learned Spanish
I took 17 hours of Spanish during my undergraduate degree, but could not speak Spanish. I could read Spanish, but I could not understand it when spoken. Rosetta Stone takes a different approach to teaching Spanish than my university. It has made understanding and speaking Spanish within my reach. I had a strong vocabulary base, but Rosetta Stone has helped me to be able to speak and use this vocabulary in everyday conversation. This is a great complement to any Spanish curriculum. It is a wonderful option for those who couldn't learn Spanish "the old fashion way."

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Latino Music's Clout Grows in U.S. Radio . Ismael Serrano en Radio Universidad de Chile. Reggaeton gets solo tryout on station formats " ... - Black Entertainment | Black News | Urban News | Hip Hop News
Your portal for black entertainment, black news, urban news, black expression, ... Systems kicked Los Angeles radio support of reggaeton up a notch in June ...

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Showing results 6 - 7 of 7 total for jazz: Toma Radio Network. Freestyle, Salsa, Reggaeton , House, Trance, Now Playing: Reinaid-o - "Another night" ...

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